Trace: ASCII



This is an old revision of the document!

Four Column ASCII
00 01 10 11
00000 NUL Spc @ `
00001 SOH ! A a
00010 STX B b
00011 ETX # C c
00100 EOT $ D d
00101 ENQ % E e
00110 ACK & F f
00111 BEL ' G g
01000 BS ( H h
01001 TAB ) I i
01010 LF * J j
01011 VT + K k
01100 FF , L l
01101 CR - M m
01110 SO . N n
01111 SI / O o
10000 DLE 0 P p
10001 DC1 1 Q q
10010 DC2 2 R r
10011 DC3 3 S s
10100 DC4 4 T t
10101 NAK 5 U u
10110 SYN 6 V v
10111 ETB 7 W w
11000 CAN 8 X x
11001 EM 9 Y y
11010 SUB : Z z
11011 ESC ; [ {
11100 FS < \ |
11101 GS = ] }
11110 RS > ^ ~
11111 US ? _ DEL


/app/www/public/data/attic/tech_notes/ascii.1629757771.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023-04-30 Sun wk17 17:44
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