Linux Block Device Notes


Linux Block Device Notes

Linux Disk Partition and Format Notes

Some basic tools

  • ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid/ will list the disks with UUIDs
  • lsblk to list partitions (or list block devices)
  • lsblk -f or blkid to list the UUIDs
  • sudo blkid will list data blocks


There would seem to be a number of partition tools for Linux CLI.
  • sudo parted -l - to see all available partition information
  • sudo parted /dev/sda - to partition the specific drive

When in parted:

  • print to see current partition information
  • mkpart help to list option
  • mklabel gpt to give drive label gpt
  • mkpart help mkpart to list specific help items on mkpart
  • mkpart primary ext4 0% 100% to make a partition that take the full optimised drive area
  • rm 1 to remove partition 1


sudo mkfs.ext4 /dev/sda1 - to format the drive


sudo vim /etc/fstab -to edit the boot disk mount table, remember to make matching mount point directories


Local Device

mount -t ext4 /dev/sdb1 /run/media/diska

NFS Device

To mount a NFS manually:

  • sudo mount -t nfs -o rw,vers=4 /mnt/backup1
  • sudo mount -t nfs -o rw,vers=4 /mnt/backup2


  • -t nfs : type nfs
  • -o : options, options are separated by commas with no spaces
    • rw : read / write
    • vers=4 : version 4 of nfs
  • is the remote exported NFS mount point
  • /mnt/backup1 : is the local mount point, note this directory must exist, ideally empty, any existing contents are usually invisible and otherwise ignored


sudo umount /run/media/diska

mount at boot

sudo vim /etc/fstab

Block Device Monitoring and Control




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