Time Date Related Setup


Setup NTP server

The NTP server setup is quite simple, I used the reference from Using chrony on Ubuntu 18.04. I replace the pool servers with my local ones, sudo vim /etc/ntp.conf.

Some NTP tips:

  • To install: sudo apt install ntp ntpdate
  • To edit main configuration file: sudo nano /etc/ntp.conf
  • The NTP Pool Time Servers page provides the regional NTP servers/pools
  • The systemctl command (status, stop, start, restart): systemctl status ntp.service

Setting System Time - Time Zone

Also checkout systemdtimed

Use the timedatectl command to interogate and modify time and date information as required, mainly used to set local timezone and daylight savings parameters. The following commands are typical:

  • timedatectl and timedatectl status to list current system time date information.
  • timedatectl list-timezones to list available time zones in timedatectl.
  • sudo timedatectl set-timezone Australia/Perth to change timezone to desired.

/app/www/public/data/pages/home_server/home_server_setup/other_services/timedate.txt · Last modified: 2023-05-28 Sun wk21 09:17
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