Trace: Oscilloscope



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I recently purchase a small single change digital oscilloscope. Typical for Chinese supply the instruction provided are terse. These are some additional notes.

Measurement options:

Type Display Description Unit
Freq Frequency Hz
PKPK Peak to Peak Voltage Volts
Mean Mean Voltage Volts
RMS Root Mean Square Voltage Volts
Amp Amplitude, the voltage between signal peak voltages Volts
Duty Duty cycle (percentage of time +) % second/second
Wid+ (T+) Period of the signal + seconds
Wid- (T-) Period of the signal - seconds
Perd Period of signal seconds
Max Minimum voltage Volts
Min Maximum voltage Volts
Top Top + voltage Volts
Base Lowest - Voltage Volts
/app/www/public/data/attic/project/oscilloscope.1703568179.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023-12-26 Tue wk52 13:22
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