This is an old revision of the document!
Router Basic Debian Server Setup
Basically the same as Ubuntu, except I tried with Debian Buster (10). I updated to Debian Bullseye (11) with no major problems. When I updated to Bookwork (12) the update failed. I then managed to corrupt the configuration files on the router….. Hopefully these notes expedite recovery.
Having used Ubuntu for the past many years I have grown use to netplan. This is not native on Debian Buster, so needs to be installed: sudo apt install
it basically just seems to work.
One of the benefits of Debian is no Snaps! Also a whole pile of other Ubuntu crud is not there!
Disable snap in Ubuntu
Another reason to move away from Ubuntu.
Ubuntu snap system sucks, to disable:
snap list
# to show what snaps are installedsudo snap remove program
# to remove snaps listedsudo apt purge snapd
sudo apt-mark hold snapd
apt list –installed | grep snap
It seems like Ubuntu want Snap to work and actively tries to make this so.