Trace: IPv6 Setup Notes

IPv6 Setup Notes

IPv6 Setup Notes


  • sudo vim /etc/netplan/network.yaml
  • netplan generate (to test)
  • netplan apply


  • modprobe ipv6
  • ip tunnel add he-ipv6 mode sit remote local ttl 255
  • ip link set he-ipv6 up
  • ip addr add 2001:470:1f2c:20c::2/64 dev he-ipv6
  • ip route add ::/0 dev he-ipv6
  • ip -f inet6 addr

NFTables Rules to consider for IPv6 sudo nft add rule inet firewall forward iifname “he-ipv6” counter jump base_checks sudo nft add rule inet firewall forward iifname “br0” oifname “he-ipv6” counter accept

  • IPv4 list network neighbors: arp -a
  • IPv6 list network neighbors: ip -6 neigh show
  • MS Windows list IPv6 neighbors: netsh int ipv6 show neigh
  • Standard systemd nftables configuration file location: sudo vim /etc/nftables.conf
  • List all defined nftables tables: sudo nft list tables
  • List a specific nftables table definition: sudo nft list table inet firewall -a -n -nn
  • List a specific nftables table definiton: sudo nft list table ip nat -a
    • -a is list handles
    • -n is ?
    • -nn is ?
  • Delete a specific rull by handle: sudo nft delete rule ip nat postrouting handle 12
  • Delete a specific rull by handle: sudo nft delete rule inet firewall forward handle 32
  • Add a speecific rull after a handle: sudo nft add rule inet firewall input position 39 tcp dport domain counter
/app/www/public/data/pages/linux_router/ipv6.txt · Last modified: 2024-05-18 Sat wk20 17:59
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