Trace: VNC Server

VNC Server


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VNC Server

This section is a bit of a mess and needs a clean up…..

I want a simple server GUI VNC system. Sadly most the instructions on the net do not seem to meet my needs.

  • Install a GUI
    • A light desktop system, e.g. xfce
    • The x11 windows manager system
    • A display manager, optional
    • sudo apt install –no-install-recommends xfce4 xserver-xorg, xfce-goodies is an option package

After setting up a basic Debian server I do the following.

Some additional confusing notes:

  • vncserver -list on server to check running server sessions
  • vncserver -kill :1 to kill the :1 server listed
  • vncserver -localhost no -geometry 800×600 -depth 24, use the -localhost no option to allow remote connection.

I had a lot of problems getting tigervncserver to work with xfce. The site TigerVNC Xfce startup failing on new Debian 12 bookworm install. "Another session manager is already running" This recommended the following ~.vnc/xstartup configuration that simply worked, it took a long time to find a solution:

[ -x /etc/vnc/xstartup ] && exec /etc/vnc/xstartup
[ -r $HOME/.Xresources ] && xrdb $HOME/.Xresources
vncconfig -iconic &
dbus-launch --exit-with-session xfce4-session

The parameter vncconfig -iconic is for X clipboard support.

My ~./vnc/config:

The localhost=false parameter means that you do not need ssh to access. As this is on my LAN only I do not see the need for SSH. (If i need access I can Wireguard VPN into my local LAN.)

When I finally got tigervncserver with xfce on Debian 12 the XFCE session came up with an annoying authorisation request that I found a resolution at How to fix “Authentication is required to create a color profile/managed device”

Newer references

Old, tl;dr;

Some preferred graphical programs:

  • Synaptic package manager - a graphical package manager; package: synaptic (To use: gksudo synaptic &, will only work with root privileges.)
  • Virtual machine manager - a graphical virtual machine manager; package: virt-manager
  • XnView - a photo display manipulation program
  • Byobu - a fancy terminal; package byobu
  • Gnome file manager; package: nautilus. (CLI: gksudo nautilus &, but be very careful if using in root…)
  • Gnome disk utility; package: gnome-disk-utility. (CLI: gksudo gnome-disk &, but be care if using in root…)
  • Gnome disk usage utility; package: boabab. (CLI: boabab &)

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/app/www/public/data/attic/home_server/home_server_setup/vnc_setup.1735737074.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025-01-01 Wed wk01 21:11
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