Home Server Notes


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Home Server Web Notes Summary

The main reason for these notes is a reference to assist me with maintaining my home server. This includes upgrading the existing or setting up a new server in the future.

There are many reasons to setup a home server and many different options available. For me one of the big reasons is the tinkering and learning associated with such a set up. There are many other benefits. Perhaps also one of the largest negatives is also the time invested in this endeavour, it will certainly not be for everyone!

I have published these notes on my public website https://kptree.net/, for my own access and also and possible benefit to others. At this time I am not interest in adding advertising to this site. As these are my personal notes, provided without cost, I assume no obligations in anyway should anyone in anyway use them in full or part. YOU USE THESE NOTES AT YOUR OWN RISK!

I have used many references from the Internet to assist me with the development of my home server and these notes. In general these references links are provided in the relevant section of the notes. Many of these reference links are also provided in the KPTree-Miscellaneous Links. The biggest single source of information and arguably inspiration has come from Havetheknowhow.com, this is certainly a good starting point if you are interested in a Linux based home server!

The following site also has some info on How to Install and Configure KVM on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Server.

/app/www/public/data/attic/home_server/home_server_setup/summary.1576893728.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023-04-30 Sun wk17 17:44
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