Private LAN VPN Access


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Private LAN VPN Access

The scope here concerns use of VPN (Virtual Private Network) to gain secure access from the public network to a local private network. It relates to private secure access and use from the public network. It does not consider public VPNs setup for public use.

There have been considered 3 different levels of access as described by the applications used:

  • Nextcloud - a full privately hosted publicly accessible file shareing application, with many additional features
  • Privatebin - An encrypted file publicly accessible file sharing server
  • Syncthing - A files synchronising system
  • Wireguard - A VPN server

These applications and their scope are described further below.


Nextcloud is an open source content collaboration platform. At its core is file-sharing, but it has many other core functions as well as extensibility with additional installed applications. While Nextcloud can securely share files it is not focused as a simple, public, and secure file-sharing platform.

I have been using Nextcloud and before that Owncloud from which Nextcloud was forked since circa 2013. My server setup is described here:

  • kptree nextcloud is Docker based setup, that I currently use, since 2022.
  • kptree nextcloud is a VM setup previously I used.






I previously successfully setup wireguard on my router. This was installed on “bare metal” as was the nftable based router firewall. I later installed Bind9 DNS and Kea DHCP programs in Docker containers. I always run Docker in a VM to prevent Docker's packet filtering from affecting the bare metal firewall rules. I did not move Wireguard to a Docker container as I did not have the need at the time.

/app/www/public/data/attic/docker_notes/vpn.1733561893.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024-12-07 Sat wk49 16:58
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