This is an old revision of the document!
Reverse Proxy Server
I seem to have gotten the Traefik reverse proxy working according to Techno Tim Put Wildcard Certificates and SSL on EVERYTHING (github reference_files for traefik-portainer-ssl)
Below is a basic description of the process that aligns with my configuration files. I do this for 2 reasons, both allowing me independence.
- Sometimes the source information or link are; changed, lost or removed.
- These note reference my current specific installation.
Proxy network to connect them all
These containers all talk via a docker bridge network named proxy, docker network create proxy
cd /home/docker_store sudo mkdir traefik sudo chown baumkp:baumkp traefik cd traefik mkdir data cd data touch acme.json chmod 600 acme.json touch traefik.yml cd ..
My traefik.yml locatation: /home/docker_store/traefik/data/traefik.yml
. The current TechnoTim one here.
create docker network
docker network create proxy
touch docker-compose.yml touch provider.env
My docker-compose.yml location: /home/docker_store/traefik/docker-compose.yml
. The current TechnoTim one here.
Note my docker compose file has some changes from the TechnoTim one, in particular the use of the Godaddy DNS chanlenge API instead of the the Cloudflare one used by TechnoTim.
Generate and Install Godaddy DNS Challenge Data
Sadly Godaddy does not make it as transparent as it should be to access their DNS challenge API. Perhaps because they are focused on their commercial certificate product. It is accessed from their developer portal Godaddy Developer Portal, from here the API keys can be made. These keys then need to be copied into /home/docker_store/traefik/data/provider.env
GODADDY_API_KEY=[Your API_KEY key from Godaddy API] GODADDY_API_SECRET=[Your API_SECRET key from Godaddy API]
Generate and install Basic Authentication Password
sudo apt update sudo apt install apache2-utils
echo $(htpasswd -nb "<USER>" "<PASSWORD>") | sed -e s/\\$/\\$\\$/g
NOTE: Replace <USER> with your username and <PASSWORD> with your password to be hashed.
Paste the output in your docker-compose.yml in line (traefik.http.middlewares.traefik-auth.basicauth.users=<USER>:<HASHED-PASSWORD>)
cd data touch config.yml
docker-compose up -d
cd /home/docker_store sudo mkdir portainer sudo chown baumkp:baumkp portainer cd portainer touch docker-compose.yml mkdir data
My docker-compose.yml location: /home/docker_store/portainer/docker-compose.yml
. The current TechnoTim one here.
docker-compose up -d
Traefik Routes Config
cd /home/docker_store/traefik/data nvim config.yml
My config.yml location: /home/docker_store/traefik/data/config.yml
. The current TechnoTim one here., also look at Portainer's instructions here: Deploying Portainer behind Traefik Proxy
docker-compose up -d --force-recreate
Folder Structure:
./traefik ├── data │ ├── acme.json │ ├── config.yml │ ├── provided.env.yml │ └── traefik.yml └── docker-compose.yml
Todo: look at whitelisting in more detail
has traefik middleware whitelisting defined looks defined as default for all containers in config.yml. Need to check following:- Can this be defined for each container setup in config.yml? Looks likely.
- Can this be reliably setup for public access of certain containers?
- Ensure no public access to portainer and traefik dashboards?
- See reddit dicussion v2 mixed (and both) internal and external?, which indicates this is so, however it notes a possible issue with VPN access.
SSL Services
For TCP and HTTPS services behind the Traefik router that require TLS the Traefik router must be specified to pass through the TLS, that is not terminate the SSL connection.
- Traefik
- Smarthome Beginner Ultimate Traefik Docker Compose Guide [2022] with LetsEncrypt
- Christian Lempa boilerplates/docker-compose/traefik/
- Traefik whitelists
- Nginx Proxy Manager
- Best Practice: Use a Docker network
ssl certificates
openssl x509 -in (path to certificate and certificate filename) -text -noout
openssl s_client -connect localhost:443 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout -dates
Export Traefik certificates
- Need to install the jq package
#!/bin/bash # Requirements: you will need to install jq and maybe openssl # creates a directory for all of your certificates mkdir -p certificates/ # reads the acme.json file, please put this file in the same directory as your script json=$(cat acme.json) export_cer_key () { echo $json | jq -r '.[].Certificates[] | select(.domain.main == "'$1'") | .certificate' | base64 -d > certificates/$1.cer echo $json | jq -r '.[].Certificates[] | select(.domain.main == "'$1'") | .key' | base64 -d > certificates/$1.key } export_pfx () { openssl pkcs12 -export -out certificates/$domain.pfx -inkey certificates/$domain.key -in certificates/$domain.cer -passout pass: } read -p "Do you want to export as .pfx file as well [y]?" REPLY # iterates through all of your domains for domain in $(echo $json | jq -r '.[].Certificates[].domain.main') do if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]] then export_cer_key "$domain" export_pfx "$domain" else export_cer_key "$domain" fi done
There is also How to export certificates from Traefik certificate store in python.
AS of writing (June 2023) Crowdsec is still relatively new. The documentation is not that easy to follow. Most the Youtube crowd info uses Traefik to with Crowdsec. I could also consider using nftable that I use as main ingress fire wall Firewall Bouncer.
- Smarthome Beginner
Crowdsec Bouncer Traefik plugin