Homepage dashboard

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Homepage dashboard

A home page is basically a webpage that provides a summary of your system and also has links to launch web applications and bookmarks. It may also have other utility information, such as system configuration and status, time, calendar, etc.

I have looked at 2 locally hosted web page applications homepage and Heimdall. The homepage application looks likes it is more configurable that Heimdall.


speed tester


Some Docker images default to using the postgres database. Currently at least up grading to version 17 from version 16 requires significant special action and does not occur automatically.

    • Hash of an easy password, in this case 11111111 which is $2b$10$BJ5oURU9.GXDONqKqeuzWuZ8I54BpUWMPiRKQKIqZ.HgWoFJAKdXO
    • First, back up the database:
      • docker compose down
      • sudo rsync -avh pgdata pgdata.bak
      • docker compose up -d
    • ''psql -h -p 37194 -U postgres -d postgres


/app/www/public/data/attic/docker_notes/docker-homepage.1734703195.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024-12-20 Fri wk51 21:59
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