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NUT (Network UPS Tools) Setup @home_server:home_server_setup:other_services
19 Hits, Last modified:
ystemd/generator.late, in particular, ups-monitor.service. To see running processes use: ''sudo ps -e | gr... isable'' and ''sudo systemctl disable ups-monitor.service''. You may also need to disable the following systemd services: nut-client.service, nut-monitor.service and nut-server.service. The Kepstin blog gives a good NUT and Systemd discussion [[h
IPMI Console Setup @home_server:home_server_setup:other_services
7 Hits, Last modified:
.) -Setup and start the Linux serial terminal service upon boot -BMC IPMI Client Setup (Using the BMC... and is ''sudo systemctl enable serial-getty@ttyS1.service''. This will start the ttys1 serial tty service on machine boot. This service can be immediately started with ''sudo systemctl start serial-getty@ttyS1.s
Calibre Server @home_server:home_server_setup:other_services
6 Hits, Last modified:
' in a browser on my LAN. Next setup the systemd service as follows sudo vim ''sudo vim /etc/systemd/system/calibre-server.service'' : <code>## startup service [Unit] Description=calibre content server [Service] Type=simple User= user Group= group ExecStart=/o
systemd Stuff @home_server:home_server_setup:other_services
6 Hits, Last modified:
* [[|How to create systemd service unit in Linux]] * [[|Set systemd service to execute after fstab mount]] * DigitalOcean Tutorials
BASH Customisation @home_server:home_server_setup:other_services
5 Hits, Last modified:
='sudo systemctl status crowdsec-firewall-bouncer.service' alias csfbstart='sudo systemctl start crowdsec-firewall-bouncer.service' alias csfbstop='sudo systemctl stop crowdsec-firewall-bouncer.service' alias csfbrestart='sudo systemctl restart crowdsec-firewall-bouncer.service' alias tailkern='sudo tail -f /var/log/kern.log'
Rsync @home_server:home_server_setup:other_services
5 Hits, Last modified:
serpassword</file> ''sudo systemctl status rsync.service'' [status, start, stop, restart, reload, disabl... estarting the ssh services via the command ''sudo service ssh restart''. With ssh properly configured, a c... ter the following (Also, restart cron with ''sudo service cron restart'' to make sure the changes are in ef... h # This utility does a push notification to the service Pushover - APPTOKEN="<toke
Back-up Server Old Setup @home_server:home_server_setup:other_services
3 Hits, Last modified:
apshot and Rsync is not suitable for large backup service. Rsnapshot is simply too slow and I am concerned... trol of the deamon: ''sudo systemctl status rsync.service'' [status, start, stop, restart, reload, disabl... in media files to backup (rsync daemon is enabled service on backup server) cmd1="rsync -a -u --delete /med
samba @home_server:home_server_setup:other_services
3 Hits, Last modified:
ad noob pain with Selinux, coupled with the short service life of Fedora, so I moved to Ubuntu, where I had... ler too.) ;[netlogon] ; comment = Network Logon Service ; path = /home/samba/netlogon ; guest ok = ye... amba host * ''sudo systemctl status smbd'' smdb.service is the systemd services name..... * ''testparm'
Manjaro Setup Notes @home_server:home_server_setup:other_services
2 Hits, Last modified:
kages. * The CUPS systemd unit file is: cups.service and cups.socket The CUPS error log is at ''/var/... s/cupsd.conf''\\ [[|CUPS - Print Server]]\\ ---- ====XFCE====
My Home IT Setup
1 Hits, Last modified:
k ones. I cleaned the unit up and it is still in service. Another special mention is [[http://www.snapra
NFS @home_server:home_server_setup:other_services
1 Hits, Last modified:
ation changes ''sudo systemctl restart nfs-server.service'' =====NFS Client===== *''sudo apt install nf
Time Date Related Setup @home_server:home_server_setup:other_services
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us, stop, start, restart): ''systemctl status ntp.service'' ====Setting System Time - Time Zone==== **Als