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- NFTables Configuration @linux_router
- efinitions can be found using ''ip a'' \\ * IP address should also be able to be found using ''ip a''.\\...'' to find all the related active ip address ip range. </color>++ \\ <tab3>define <color red... .1</color><color blue> #definition of router IPv4 address</color>\\ <tab3>define <color red>modem_ip = 192... 5.2</color><color blue> #definition of modem IPv4 address</color> ++ | \\ + <color #202000/#F0F0E0>The $mo
- DHCP / DNS Setup @linux_router
- ervice. Most my critical services have static IP address. These notes still have some utility. I will pr... d saying is the domain maintainer. For the e-mail address, we use a ; dot instead of an @. ; The lines aft... ...then an "A Record" for the domain server's IP address... A ; This is the LAN address of the html server ; that is hairpi
- KPTree Torrent VM Setup @home_server
- ficant problems, save for BTGuard changing the IP address of their servers on occasion without informing en... omain ''.host''. * The PrivatVPN tunnel host IP address is different from the end IP address, unlike BTGuard which were the same. The host IP address must be used in the NFTables firewall to prevent
- Conky @home_server:home_server_setup:other_services
- -- --- Network --- # if_up_strictness = "address",-- Strictness of ${ifup} : up, link, or address -- -------------------- Conky's Displayed System Monit... m: ${nvidia memfreq} MHz ${if_up br0}${color0}MAC Address (br0): ${tab 90}$color${execi 99999 cat /sys/class/net/br0/address }${endif} #${if_up enp3s0}${color0}MAC Address (e
- KPTree - Email Server Setup @home_server
- the home server has only one external static IPv4 address the mail server subdomain needs to be shared on the common IP address with other subdomains and applications. We can us... between different subdomains. ===Set network IP address, static IP=== The mail server need to have a static IP address on the local area network. ++++I actually like to
- SSH Notes @home_server:home_server_setup:other_services
- nfo.get_cpu_info()['brand_raw']}") print(f"Ip-Address: {socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())}") print(f"Mac-Address: {':'.join(re.findall('..', '%012x' % uuid.getnod... erface_addresses in if_addrs.items(): for address in interface_addresses: print(f"=== I... erface: {interface_name} ===") if str( == 'AddressFamily.AF_INET':
- Docker mailserver @docker_notes
- leted to avoid orphaned rows. | |email |The email address of the mail account. | |password |The hashed pass... The last table contains forwardings from an email address to other email addresses. ^Field ^Purpose ^ |id ... virtual_domains table again. | |source |The email address that the email was actually sent to. In case of catch-all addresses (that accept any address in a domain) the source looks like “”
- Docker nginx / php notes @docker_notes
- ; Define the anonymous ftp password (your email address). PHP's default setting ; for this is empty. ; ht... de ; the full path of the script, line number, To address and headers. ;mail.log = ; Log mail to syslog (Ev... processes have to map shared memory into the same address space. This ; directive allows to manually fix the "Unable to reattach to base address" ; errors. ;opcache.mmap_base= ; Facilitates mul
- Network Setup @home_server:home_server_setup
- ess #The DHCP server is used to assign a fixed IP address based upon MAC auto br0 iface br0 inet dhcp ... d. I then setup the dhcp sever to assign a fix IP address to the eth0 address.++++ ++++Netplan Old Setup with 802.3ad bonding, too complex do not use| ====Full Net... p Bridge Interface auto br0 iface br0 inet static address network netmask 255.255.2
- Docker - diun & ntfy @docker_notes
- ct) # base-url: # Listen address for the HTTP & HTTPS web server. If "listen-https... To listen on all interfaces, you may omit the IP address, e.g. ":443". # To disable HTTP, set "listen-http... ed-For header is used to determine the visitor IP address # instead of the remote address of the connection. # # WARNING: If you are behind a proxy, you must set th
- IPv6 summary notes @tech_notes
- eed to Know about IPv6 Link-Local Addresses]] ====Address length and format==== The IPv6 address is 128 bits (i.e. 16 bytes) long and is written in 8 groups of 2 b... ing zeros of each block can be omitted, the above address can hence be written like this: FDDD:F00D:CAFE:0:... Ways to assign IPv6 addresses: *Static - fixed address *SLAAC - Stateless Address Autoconfiguration (h
- NFTables IP Control @linux_router
- e addresses below 100 were assigned a specific IP address in the DHCP based upon MAC. I added a [[https:... hp/Sets#Named_sets|NFtables named set]] with ipV4 address and timeout function: <code> set controllist... be used where host DNS # resolves to IP address #tcp dport { http, https } ct state new ... Allow internal clients to correctly see external address "hairpin dnat" ip daddr $wan_ip4 tcp dpo
- dokuwiki setup notes @home_server
- The ipv4 points to a common public ipv4 address and uses proxies to redirect to correct VMs, so all subdomains have same public address. Each sub-domain can have an individual public ipv6 address if required and proxies are not required for ipv6... s setup==== The local dns points to the local lan address that assists with hairpin nat on ipv4. Not necess
- Web Server setup @home_server
- *Test the web page by typing in the local ip address of the apache2 server in a web browser The [[htt... hines (VMs), each with a separate distinct LAN IP address. However there is only one WAN static Internet address, with the router setup to forward the web ports 80 ... rovide DNS information points to the WAN Internet address (A Record) for the domain name and all related su
- Debian / Ubuntu Network Setup @linux_router
- DHCP WAN (static? for PPPOE) # set up static ip address to access modem web page on WAN NIC iface eno1:0 inet static address # Then LAN networks are eno2 e... 0 inet static bridge_ports eno2 eno3 eno4 address dns-nameservers 1... x:xx:xx:xx The "modern" way to specify static ip address as address'' this automatically as