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home_server:home_server_setup:other_services:docker [2023-04-30 Sun wk17 17:43] – external edit [2023-09-25 Mon wk39 20:23] (current) – [Some reference links] baumkp
Line 1: Line 1:
-{{tag>linux docker}} +{{tag>linux xfce}} 
 +=====XFCE Keystrokes=====
 +You can define your own custom shortcuts. Go to Settings > Window Manager > Keyboard (tab). 
 +These are the XFCE Windows Manager Keyboard on 2023-09-25, these are the default settings:
 +|Windows operation menu|Alt+Space|
 +|Cycle windows|Alt+Tab|
 +|Cycle windows (Reverse)|Shift+Alt+Tab|
 +|Switch window for same application|Super+Tab|
 +|Switch application|not assigned|
 +|Close window|Alt+F4|
 +|Maximise window horizontally|not assigned|
 +|Maximise window vertically|not assigned|
 +|Maximise window|Alt+F10|
 +|Hide Window|Alt+F9|
 +|Move Window|Alt+F7|
 +|Resize window|Alt+F8|
 +|Shade window|not assigned|
 +|Stick window|Alt+F6|
 +|Raise window|Shift+Alt+Page Up|
 +|Lower window|Shift+Alt+Page Down|
 +|Raise or Lower Window|not assigned|
 +|Fill window|not assigned|
 +|Fill window horizontally|not assigned|
 +|Fill window vertically|not assigned|
 +|Toggle above|Alt+F12|
 +|Toggle Fullscreen|Alt+F11|
 +|Move window to lower monitor|not assigned|
 +|Move window to left monitor|not assigned|
 +|Move window to right monitor|not assigned|
 +|Move window to upper monitor|not assigned|
 +|Move window to upper workspace|not assigned|
 +|Move window to bottom workspace|not assigned|
 +|Move window to left workspace|not assigned|
 +|Move window to right workspace|not assigned|
 +|Move window to previous workspace|Ctrl+Alt+Home|
 +|Move window to next workspace|Ctrl+Alt+End|
 +|Move window to workspace 1|Ctrl+Alt+KP 1|
 +|Move window to workspace 2|Ctrl+Alt+KP 2|
 +|Move window to workspace 3|Ctrl+Alt+KP 3|
 +|Move window to workspace 4|Ctrl+Alt+KP 4|
 +|Move window to workspace 5|Ctrl+Alt+KP 5|
 +|Move window to workspace 6|Ctrl+Alt+KP 6|
 +|Move window to workspace 7|Ctrl+Alt+KP 7|
 +|Move window to workspace 8|Ctrl+Alt+KP 8|
 +|Move window to workspace 9|Ctrl+Alt+KP 9|
 +|Move window to workspace 10|not assigned|
 +|Move window to workspace 11|not assigned|
 +|Move window to workspace 12|not assigned|
 +|Tile window to the|Super+Down (keypad)|
 +|Tile window to the|Super+Up (keypad)|
 +|Tile window to the|Super+Left (keypad)|
 +|Tile window to the|Super+Right (keypad)|
 +|Tile window to the|Super+Home (keypad)|
 +|Tile window to the|Super+Page Up (keypad)|
 +|Tile window to the|Super+End (keypad)|
 +|Tile window to the|Super+Next (keypad)||||
 +|Show desktop|Ctrl+Alt+D|
 +|Upper workspace|Ctrl+Alt+Up|
 +|Bottom workspace|Ctrl+Alt+Down|
 +|Left workspace|Ctrl+Alt+Left|
 +|Right workspace|Ctrl+Alt+Right|
 +|Previous workspace|not assigned|
 +|Next workspace|not assigned|
 +|Workspace 1|Ctrl+F1|
 +|Workspace 2|Ctrl+F2|
 +|Workspace 3|Ctrl+F3|
 +|Workspace 4|Ctrl+F4|
 +|Workspace 5|Ctrl+F5|
 +|Workspace 6|Ctrl+F6|
 +|Workspace 7|Ctrl+F7|
 +|Workspace 8|Ctrl+F8|
 +|Workspace 9|Ctrl+F9|
 +|Workspace 10|Ctrl+F10|
 +|Workspace 11|Ctrl+F11|
 +|Workspace 12|Ctrl+F12|
 +|Add Workspace|Alt+Insert|
 +|Add adjacent workspace|not assigned|
 +|Delete last workspace|Alt+Delete|
 +|Delete active workspace|not assigned|
 +  *Super key is an alternative and older name for what is commonly labelled as the Windows key or Command key on modern keyboards, typically bound and handled as such by Linux and BSD operating systems and software today. {Taken from wikipedia [[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super_key_(keyboard_button)|Super key (keyboard button)]]}
 +  *Stick window makes a window visible in all workspaces
 +  *KP = keypad
 +=====System Keystrokes=====
 +|Virtual Terminal 1|Ctrl+Alt+F1|
 +|Virtual Terminal 2|Ctrl+Alt+F2|
 +|Virtual Terminal 3|Ctrl+Alt+F3|
 +|Virtual Terminal 4|Ctrl+Alt+F4|
 +|Virtual Terminal 5|Ctrl+Alt+F5|
 +|Virtual Terminal 6|Ctrl+Alt+F6|
 +|Virtual Terminal 7 GUI|Ctrl+Alt+F7|
 ====Some reference links==== ====Some reference links====
-  * [[https://docs.docker.com/|Docker Docs]] has a lot of good information+Debian Documentation 
-    * [[https://docs.docker.com/engine/install/ubuntu/|Install Docker Engine on Ubuntu]] +  *[[https://www.debian.org/doc/|Documentation]] 
-    * +    *[[https://www.debian.org/doc/user-manuals#refcard|Debian Users' Manuals]] 
 +    *[[https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/index.en.html|Debian Reference]] 
 +      *[[https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/ch01.en.html|Chapter 1. GNU/Linux tutorials]] 
 +      *[[https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/ch02.en.html|Chapter 2. Debian package management]] 
 +      *[[https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/ch03.en.html|Chapter 3. The system initialization]] 
 +      *[[https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/ch04.en.html|Chapter 4. Authentication and access controls]] 
 +      *[[https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/ch05.en.html|Chapter 5. Network setup]] 
 +      *[[https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/ch06.en.html|Chapter 6. Network applications]] 
 +      *[[https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/ch07.en.html|Chapter 7. GUI System]] 
 +      *[[https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/ch08.en.html|Chapter 8. I18N and L10N]] 
 +      *[[https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/ch09.en.html|Chapter 9. System tips]] 
 +      *[[https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/ch10.en.html|Chapter 10. Data management]] 
 +      *[[https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/ch11.en.html|Chapter 11. Data conversion]] 
 +      *[[https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/ch12.en.html|Chapter 12. Programming]] 
 +      *[[https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/apa.en.html|Appendix A. Appendix]] 
 +    *[[https://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/debian-reference/debian-reference.en.pdf|Debian Reference in PDF - Latest Revision]] 
 ---- ----
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