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Docker mailserver
43 Hits, Last modified:
y of the sqlite database. The use of a full multi user server / client relational database is not necess... ME" instruction in DockerFile]] *[[ d'' The email spam removing daemon *swaks => ''/user/bin/swaks'' Seems to only be in testing reposito... ” makes sure that if a domain is deleted that all user accounts in that domain are also deleted to avoid
Docker - DNS Server
3 Hits, Last modified:
#add UID & GID RUN \ addgroup -g 99 named && \ adduser -G named -u 99 -G named -D -S -h /dev/null named... \ apk upgrade #util-linux \ #vim \ #less \ COPY user/* /etc/s6-overlay/s6-rc.d/user/contents.d/ COPY s6-rc.d /etc/s6-overlay/s6-rc.d/ EXPOSE 53/tcp EXPOSE