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Nextcloud Container @docker_notes
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cloud easier to use ''www-data'' *Confirm shell type, bash is more comprehensive, whereas sh or ash ar... ircles:manage:config edit config/type of a Circle circles:manage:create ... rset of MySQL/MariaDB to use utf8mb4 db:convert-type Convert the Nextcloud data... server for Collabora, a LibraOffice based online type office server, or a separate Collobora server. I
Docker init Systems @docker_notes
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ted services in the active s6-rc-db *''s6-rc-db type servicename'' - Prints the type of servicename: oneshot, longrun or bundle *''s6-rc-db dependencies s
Docker Deluge Image / Service @docker_notes
11 Hits, Last modified:
ing =====docker external volumes===== There are 2 type of volume needs in this set up. - Deluge config... ode>docker volume create --driver local \ --opt type=nfs \ --opt o=addr=[ip-address],rw \ --opt de... ode>docker volume create --driver local \ --opt type=nfs \ --opt o=addr=,rw \ --opt de... ode>docker volume create --driver local \ --opt type=nfs \ --opt o=addr=,rw \ --opt de
Docker-Compose @docker_notes
3 Hits, Last modified:
> docker volume create --driver local \ --opt type=none \ --opt device="/var/opt/my_website/dist... r the drive mount using: ''systemctl list-units --type=mount'', in my particular case it was ''mnt-docke... s=docker.socket mnt-docker_store.mount [Service] Type=notify # the default is not to use systemd for cg
Linux Block Device Notes @home_server:home_server_setup:other_services
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ort/Disk2 /mnt/backup2'' Where: * ''-t nfs'' : type nfs * ''-o'' : options, options are separated b