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Docker mailserver
21 Hits, Last modified:
there. **I hereby credit Workaround's author Christoph Haas.** Furthermore Christoph's guide is very descriptive and should be referenced to get a better un... direct it to ====postfix start/stop==== Basic postfix control are: *''postfix start... ' to start postfix in the foreground *''postfix stop'' to stop postfix *''postfix reload'' to reload
Docker - DNS Server
3 Hits, Last modified:
foreground *''-4'' to run ipv4 only *''rndc stop'' to stop named <fc #ff0000>- need to implement this in S6</fc> *''rndc reload'' to reload the named... ptr-dns-1 restart: 'always' # always | unless-stopped | no | on-failure [:max-retries] volumes: