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Nextcloud Container @docker_notes
6 Hits, Last modified:
''php occ upgrade'' * To check maintenance mode status: ''php occ maintenance:mode'' * To turn off mai... List commands status show some status information upgrade run... Show current key storage root encryption:status Lists the current status of
Docker @docker_notes
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*''%%docker ps -s --format 'table {{ .ID }}\t{{.Status}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{ .Names }}'%%'' <code>CONTAINER ID STATUS IMAGE ... *''%%docker ps -s --format 'table {{ .ID }}\t{{.Status}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{ .Names }}\t{{.Size}}'%%'' <code>CONTAINER ID STATUS IMAGE
Docker-Compose @docker_notes
1 Hits, Last modified:
he systemd service for Docker - use systemctl status docker to find the service file, in my case ''/li
Homepage dashboard @docker_notes
1 Hits, Last modified:
ity information, such as system configuration and status, time, calendar, etc. I have looked at 2 locally
Docker init Systems @docker_notes
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/run/s6-rc/servicedirs/deluged'' - check a daemon status, longrun only! *''s6-rc -u change servicename''