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12 Hits, Last modified:
ub-directories and content. *''-u'' only copies source files where they are newer than destination files... iles on the destination where they are not on the source. **//Use with care!//** *''-n'' is for dry run... notes. They are really long! Sadly the original source was only onlie for a few years. ++++Rsnapshot an... === The above examples works fine as long as the source login (in this case pi on the RedRPi system) has
BASH Customisation
5 Hits, Last modified:
al, without logging off type: '' ~/.bashrc'' or ''source ~/.bashrc''. The command ''exec bash'' will also ... tomatically adapt slightly based on the host. # SOURCE ENVIRONMENTAL VARIABLES FOR BASH_ALIASES # Sensit... /bash_aliases.env.example and use it as a starter source ~/.bash_aliases.env # DOCKER COMMON - All docker... and Expansions on a Linux VPS]] * [[|Make Bash h
4 Hits, Last modified:
l all the time, so long as the server has a power source. The server itself does not need to be powered on... tional for the BMC to work, it just needs a power source to be connected to the server. The primary benef... om the SuperMicro website. *IPMItool : An opensource tool for accessing the IPMI device through either... I supported motherboards). *OpenIPMI : An opensource IPMI project that maintains linux drivers for the
VIM Editor
3 Hits, Last modified:
after ======CheatSheet: Vim Commands====== This source is no longer available and taken from www.archive... | | ]z | move to end of open fold | =====Vim Resource File===== Using Vim's scripting language (and a ... rmalization/|VIM Normalization]] *[[
IPMI Console Setup
1 Hits, Last modified:
or Ubuntu terminal serial redirection. The main resource used was Ubuntu Documentation's [[https://help.ub