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KPTree - MSWindows Setup @home_server
7 Hits, Last modified:
) *Calibre - an electronic book database and reader (**!L**) *VLC - seems to do a better job t... version at work, Manage. *Foxit Pro - a PDF reader and writer (**!**) I use my private license at ... good though.(**!L**) *Bluebeam Revu - a PDF reader and writer I use at work now, definitely has th... s rights. They are also so long who would bother reading them anyway. Ultimately, if one has paid to u
Docker-Compose @docker_notes
3 Hits, Last modified:
in the previous example. =====NFS File System not ready===== It is amazing for how long I put up with th... oying and made me doubt that my Docker system was ready for "production" although I had been using a cou... tarting up before the NFS network file system was ready. So I did the following. - Found the systemd
Docker mailserver @docker_notes
7 Hits, Last modified:
o access privileges on the Mariadb. I should have read and understood the ISPMail [[https://workaround.o... Postfix is set to use this interface, effectively read only (select privilege only). * I am using in D... Parameters]] *[[|Postfix SQLite Howto]] *Postfix loggin... ferences *[[|Postfix logging to file or stdout]]