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ssh with key files
7 Hits, Last modified:
*Improved security *Easier access to ssh (if password keys are not used) Clearly use of unique password encrypted keys gives best security. However if a user has access to you terminal and user password they effectively have full system access anyway. ... th filename==== * ''ssh-keygen -f .ssh/key-with-password'' creates a SSH key with non-default name and lo
5 Hits, Last modified:
aults] host_key_checking = false</code> *create password less login to remote machines *''ssh-keygen''... ybook -i inventory.ini debian_update.yml --become-password-file '/mnt/ansible/password.yml'%%'' *''%%ansible all -m gather_facts -i inventory.ini --tree /tmp/facts%... update.yml -i /mnt/ansible/inventory.ini --become-password-file '/mnt/ansible/password.yml'%%'' ====Resourc