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KPTree - MSWindows Setup @home_server
9 Hits, Last modified:
noted basically managed to avoid them in the most part.) ++++tldr; Old build| Recently my main home off... ther copy for work use. The license is tied to a particular computer on to which the software is instal... and at home, it is simply not worth the trouble, particularly with the restrictive license requirements... ==iTunes - setup==== iTunes is software I do not particularly like. First of all I do not use the Music
Docker-Compose @docker_notes
2 Hits, Last modified:
e types like nfs, btrfs, ext3, ext4, and also 3rd party plugins to create volumes. External named volum... ing: ''systemctl list-units --type=mount'', in my particular case it was ''mnt-docker_store.mount'' for
Docker mailserver @docker_notes
4 Hits, Last modified:
er / client relational database is not necessary, particularly for a Docker based server implementation.... temd/system/dovecot.service| <code># This file is part of Dovecot # # DO NOT CUSTOMIZE THIS FILE, INSTEA... .php requests to the fcgi server. * The first part of the match, ''"\.php$"'' basically indicates th... should be directed to the proxy * The second part ''%%"fcgi://roundcubemail:9000/var/www/html" enab