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Router Miscellaneous
6 Hits, Last modified:
ng and stopped] docker logs algo [view container log] docker port algo After running "docker exec -it... d.conf''. For this option if the directory ''/var/log/journal'' is present previous boot log files are saved. Conversely if not present, then previous boot ... urnalctl.conf for details. Use ''sudo ls -la /var/log/journal'' to see if directory already exists, ''s
DHCP / DNS Setup
4 Hits, Last modified:
may still look for IPv6 unnecessarily filling up log files. To prevent perform the following: *''sud... 814400; #21 days max-lease-time 1814400; #21 days log-facility local7; # kptree DNS zones zone kptree.... ="br0" *INTERFACESv6="br0" ====isc-dhcp-server log file comments==== Unfortunately the log / journal for isc-dhcp-server contains the following comment f
ISP PPPoE Network Setup
2 Hits, Last modified:
e replacedefaultroute #password is not placed in log file - default hide-password # Do not ask the re... r, once configuration is more complete. To check log files use: ''sudo systemctl status pppoe'' or ''j
Linux Router Background
1 Hits, Last modified:
would probably be on their side and checked their log files and found that my static IP was not uniquel