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Router Miscellaneous
124 Hits, Last modified:
ailable. See these links for more examples see, [[ ux Performance Monitoring Tools – Part 2]], and [[ l usage: ''sudo nethogs br0'' ====darkstat==== [[ pected in a packaged router. Another reference: [[|How-to
NFTables Configuration
49 Hits, Last modified:
reference for nftables is at the dedicated wiki [[|wiki nftables]]. Some other references I found [[ eference at stosb is good, but not for a router [[|... the modem device IP address is, See [[
DHCP / DNS Setup
36 Hits, Last modified:
I have moved my DNS and DHCP servers to Docker, [[ interesting older resource is BigDinosaur Blog [[ er, Part 2 - DHCP| does not seem to be saved on [[|Wayback Machine Internet Archive]], but [[
Basic Netfilter Function Block Diagram
33 Hits, Last modified:
iagram===== Both NFTables and IPTables use the [[|Netfilter]] fra... me references: * iptables how to [[|Saying how to mangle the packets]] *[[|iptables(8) - Linu... The iptables Rate-Limiting Module]] *Nixcraft [[
IPv6 Setup Notes
16 Hits, Last modified:
======IPv6 Setup Notes===== * orking_guide/sec-comparison_of_dhcpv6_to_radvd * * *
Debian / Ubuntu Network Setup
15 Hits, Last modified:
ce.\\ Ubuntu (as of version 14.04) defaults to [[ Predictable Network Interface Names]], also see [[ o check any errors on networking References: *[[|NetworkConfiguration]] see section on Bridging *[[
ISP PPPoE Network Setup
11 Hits, Last modified:
nably comprehensive discussion on Ubuntu forums [[|Setup... Server as a router using a PPPoE connection]], [[ MSS when using PPPoE]]. Also from Ubuntu forums [[|How to... tion using MTU and RWIN]]. Ubuntu documentation [[|ADSLPPPoE.
Router Hardware
9 Hits, Last modified:
lower prices. *I decided to get a Supermicro [[ 0-9B]] that comes with a Supermicro motherboard [[ 700 system with 4 x Intel i210-AT GbE LAN, from [[|Mitxpc]]. I got... (this could be integrated or external KVM, e.g. [[|PiKVM]]) - Hardware suitable for p
NFTables IP Control
8 Hits, Last modified:
ddress in the DHCP based upon MAC. I added a [[ # openvpn # http # https # } # set udp_open_ports { # typ... esolves to IP address #tcp dport { http, https } ct state new counter accept ip daddr $... ddr # elements = { http :, https :} #} #map udp_na
TC - Traffic Control
7 Hits, Last modified:
ch directly on queuing logic. ====Links==== *[[|Traffic Control HOWTO]] *[[|Linux Advanced Routing & Traffic Control]] *[[|Man Pages]] *[[|HOWTO]] *[[
Router VM
4 Hits, Last modified:
ost cases details these packages can be seen at [[|Debian Packages]]. ++++tldr;| *''qemu'' - [[|QEMU]] is a generic an... .2-spiceclientgtk-3.0'' =====References===== *[[ connect to a remote console using qemu+ssh]] *[[