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home_server:home_server_setup:other_services:rsync [2023-05-28 Sun wk21 10:22] – [Rsync] baumkphome_server:home_server_setup:other_services:rsync [2023-12-26 Tue wk52 11:38] (current) baumkp
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-{{tag>rsync backup linux debian ubuntu rsnapshot}}+{{tag>rsync backup linux debian rsnapshot}}
 ======Rsync====== ======Rsync======
 These are my rsync notes.  I also used to use rsnapshot, however I was unhappy with the performance of this application and moved to restic.  The original rsnapshot notes have been rolled up and moved to the bottom of this page. These are my rsync notes.  I also used to use rsnapshot, however I was unhappy with the performance of this application and moved to restic.  The original rsnapshot notes have been rolled up and moved to the bottom of this page.
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-====An Important Notes====+====Main rsync command usage summary====
 A trailing slash (/) at the end of the first argument in the rsync command: ''rsync -a dir1/ dir2'', mean “the contents of dir1”. The alternative, without the trailing slash, would place dir1, including the directory, within dir2. This would create a hierarchy that looks like: ~/dir2/dir1/[files] A trailing slash (/) at the end of the first argument in the rsync command: ''rsync -a dir1/ dir2'', mean “the contents of dir1”. The alternative, without the trailing slash, would place dir1, including the directory, within dir2. This would create a hierarchy that looks like: ~/dir2/dir1/[files]
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 Where  Where 
   *''-a'' is the flag for archive.  Keeps original dates and permissions on copy and also recurses, copied sub-directories and content.   *''-a'' is the flag for archive.  Keeps original dates and permissions on copy and also recurses, copied sub-directories and content.
 +  *''-u'' only copies source files where they are newer than destination files (based upon file modification dates)
 +  *''--delete'' deletes files on the destination where they are not on the source.  **//Use with care!//**
 +  *''-n'' is for dry run, no changes are made, but proposed output is seen
 +  *''-P'' keeps partially copies files and reports progress
 +  *''-h''' human readable file sizes
 +  *''-v'' increase output verbosity
 +  *''-z'' compress files on transfer, note does not necessarily increase transfer speeds, dependent on file types transferred and CPU speeds
 Always double-check your arguments before executing an rsync command. Rsync provides a method for doing this by passing the ''-n'' or ''%%-–%%dry-run'' options. The -v flag (for verbose) is also necessary to get the appropriate output: Always double-check your arguments before executing an rsync command. Rsync provides a method for doing this by passing the ''-n'' or ''%%-–%%dry-run'' options. The -v flag (for verbose) is also necessary to get the appropriate output:
 ====rsync daemon==== ====rsync daemon====
 rsync can be installed as a daemon on a computer instance rsync can be installed as a daemon on a computer instance
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 ''sudo systemctl status rsync.service''   [status, start, stop, restart, reload, disable, enable] ''sudo systemctl status rsync.service''   [status, start, stop, restart, reload, disable, enable]
- +====Notes on Compression option==== 
-====Compression option -z can slow down file transfer.====+Compression option -z can slow down file transfer notes as well as some examples I used 
 ''export RSYNC_SKIP_COMPRESS=3fr/3g2/3gp/3gpp/7z/aac/ace/amr/apk/appx/appxbundle/arc/arj/arw/asf/avi/bz2/cab/cr2/crypt[5678]/dat/dcr/deb/dmg/drc/ear/erf/flac/flv/gif/gpg/gz/iiq/iso/jar/jp2/jpeg/jpg/k25/kdc/lz/lzma/lzo/m4[apv]/mef/mkv/mos/mov/mp[34]/mpeg/mp[gv]/msi/nef/oga/ogg/ogv/opus/orf/pef/png/qt/rar/rpm/rw2/rzip/s7z/sfx/sr2/srf/svgz/t[gb]z/tlz/txz/vob/wim/wma/wmv/xz/zip'' ''export RSYNC_SKIP_COMPRESS=3fr/3g2/3gp/3gpp/7z/aac/ace/amr/apk/appx/appxbundle/arc/arj/arw/asf/avi/bz2/cab/cr2/crypt[5678]/dat/dcr/deb/dmg/drc/ear/erf/flac/flv/gif/gpg/gz/iiq/iso/jar/jp2/jpeg/jpg/k25/kdc/lz/lzma/lzo/m4[apv]/mef/mkv/mos/mov/mp[34]/mpeg/mp[gv]/msi/nef/oga/ogg/ogv/opus/orf/pef/png/qt/rar/rpm/rw2/rzip/s7z/sfx/sr2/srf/svgz/t[gb]z/tlz/txz/vob/wim/wma/wmv/xz/zip''
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 ''sudo rsync x -a -Puh /home/shared/temp/ baumkp@ %%--%%exclude=.Trash* >tmp.txt'' ''sudo rsync x -a -Puh /home/shared/temp/ baumkp@ %%--%%exclude=.Trash* >tmp.txt''
 +====My web page copy bash batch====
 +''sudo vim Myscripts/rsync_shared.sh'' or to run ''sudo bash Myscripts/rsync_shared.sh''
 +#Note this is a local only script and takes no additional batch inputs when run!
 +<code bash>
 +cmd="rsync -ptoguv --chown=root:www-data --chmod=a+rwx,g+rwx,o-wx"
 +$cmd ${workpath}/styles.css ${wwwpath}
 +$cmd ${workpath}/w3.css ${wwwpath}
 +$cmd ${workpath}/index.html ${wwwpath}
 +$cmd ${workpath}/email_server_w3.html ${wwwpath}
 ====some rsync flag definitions==== ====some rsync flag definitions====
 +Simply type ''rsync'' at terminal to see a complete list
 ^Flag Short^ Flag Long ^Description^ ^Flag Short^ Flag Long ^Description^
 |''-z''| ''%%--%%compress''        |compress file data during the transfer| |''-z''| ''%%--%%compress''        |compress file data during the transfer|
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   * * preservation of hard links is important when moving across rsnapshots backups between disks.   * * preservation of hard links is important when moving across rsnapshots backups between disks.
-My web page copy bash batch: 
-''sudo vim Myscripts/rsync_shared.sh'' or to run ''sudo bash Myscripts/rsync_shared.sh'' 
-#Note this is a local only script and takes no additional batch inputs when run! 
-<code bash> 
-cmd="rsync -ptoguv --chown=root:www-data --chmod=a+rwx,g+rwx,o-wx" 
-$cmd ${workpath}/styles.css ${wwwpath} 
-$cmd ${workpath}/w3.css ${wwwpath} 
-$cmd ${workpath}/index.html ${wwwpath} 
-$cmd ${workpath}/email_server_w3.html ${wwwpath} 
 ---- ----