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Docker - DNS Server
24 Hits, Last modified:
{{tag>linux docker DNS bind9}} ======Docker - DNS Server====== [[https://www.hostinger.com/tutorials/what-is-dns|What Is DNS and How Does It Work – A Comprehensive Guide]]\\ I have been using Bind9 as my home LAN DN
Docker mailserver
9 Hits, Last modified:
r'@'''. ====adminer==== I will setup DNS and Traefik for this to be ''mailsql.local.kptree... le on the LAN. ====ISPmail Admin==== I will setup DNS and Traefik for this to be ''mailadmin.local.kptr... *Other: *[[http://rob0.nodns4.us/|Postfix, DNS and general Linux system administration and consu... all (fcgi:) to IP/TCP ''roundcubemail:9000''. The DNS resolves roundcubemail to the local IP address at