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KPTree - MSWindows Setup @home_server
8 Hits, Last modified:
I thought ME was bad and Vista too, but as noted basically managed to avoid them in the most part.) ++++tld... ice machine failed. I build this computer myself. Basically originally an Intel i7 with the built-in graphics... Rsync on the Linux systems to do the back-ups, I basically do not store and main archive or working data on ... he USA version of the software at the USA price! Basically many USA aspects are forced down our throat anywa
Docker mailserver @docker_notes
5 Hits, Last modified:
it using maria database. I toyed with sqlite and basically got it functional, however the support apps do no... et their certificate deregister...... So StartSSL basically became non-usable circa 2017. Fourtunately a bet... undcubemail:9000/var/www/html" enablereuse=on%%'' basically redirects all *.php requests to the fcgi server. * The first part of the match, ''"\.php$"'' basically indicates that all *.php call should be directed