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- Web Server setup @home_server
- {{tag>linux debian apache apache2 httpd web server php certbot letsencrypt nextcloud cloud vm virtual m... proxy gid uid vipw vigr group id user id}} ======Web Server setup====== =====Basic Web Server setup on VM===== I am moving away from Ubuntu to Debian. I fi... he instruction for here are good to setup a basic web server [[|workaroun
- Docker - diun & ntfy @docker_notes
- . It has an iOS client and can also use standard web page and Andiod app. I originally considered got... # Listen address for the HTTP & HTTPS web server. If "listen-https" is set, you must also #... Path to the private key & cert file for the HTTPS web server. Not used if "listen-https" is not set. # ... smtp-server-domain: # smtp-server-addr-prefix: # Web Push support (background notifications for browse
- VIM Editor @home_server:home_server_setup:other_services
-|VIM FAQ]] *[[|Seven habits of effective text edi... vailable and taken from [[]] =
- Docker nginx / php notes @docker_notes
- to nginx!</h1> <p>If you see this page, the nginx web server is successfully installed and working. Fur... in sub-directory ''/etc/nginx/http.d'' ====static web page==== Place this at following location; ''/va... . Current working directory (except CLI) ; 5. The web server's directory (for SAPI modules), or directo... ng side-effects depending on your application and web server. ; You may be able to send headers and coo
- Docker mailserver @docker_notes
- e is running in a separate container to the Nginx web server there is no common localhost or ... d password. =====adminer===== **phpMyAdmin** is a web based mysql management interface. **adminer** is a web based single php file database manager, that is s... to allow remote connections from clients, usually web pages. The server is normally setup to listen on
- Calibre @docker_notes
- ue command: /bin/sh</code> ++++ ====Calibre-web==== This Docker container is based [[|linuxserver/calibre-web.]], [[|Docker hub linuxserver/calibre-web]], [[https://g
- KPTree Torrent VM Setup @home_server
- s for the user as otherwise the deluge and deluge web daemons will crash and not load. (For the Ubuntu ... temd setup===== Setting up deluged and and deluge-web as systemd services is described in deluge docs [... for the relevant ''.service''s: <code> deluge-web.service loaded active running Deluge Bittorrent Client Web Interface deluged.service loaded active r
- DHCP / DNS Setup @linux_router
- 2 - DHCP| does not seem to be saved on [[|Wayback Machine Internet Archive]], but [[|Part 5 - DNS]] is. (As are [[
- Nextcloud Container @docker_notes
- restart: always networks: - proxy web: image: nginx restart: always ports: ... sy solution. Nextcloud main support looks Apache web server based with little Nginx support and even l... fe-and-reliable-way-to-move-data-directory-out-of-web-root/3642|is-there-a-safe-and-reliable-way-to-move-data-directory-out-of-web-root]] *[[
- KPTree - Email Server Setup @home_server
- other subdomains and applications. We can use the web server's "virtual host" feature to differentiate ... tions which generally requires integration with a web server and the associated setup. //The ''blogging... irectly available, but many can found on [[|wayback machine]] ++++ =====Email S... ing comments: *Ignore the section "Using Amazon Web Services" *For "Use of and %%ma
- Router Miscellaneous @linux_router
- =darkstat==== [[|Darkstat – A Web Based Linux Network Traffic Analyser]], is a relatively low resource network analyser. It has a web browser interface and can provide the perfornace ... ora]]. The darkstat output can then be seen on a web browser at '''' ---- ====glances==
- Conky @home_server:home_server_setup:other_services
- sites you will want to read, beyond the [[|Conky manual page]] are the lists of [[|Config Settings]] and
- Rsync @home_server:home_server_setup:other_services
- net %%--%%exclude=.Trash* >tmp.txt'' ++++ ====My web page copy bash batch==== ''sudo vim Myscripts/rsy... Links no longer originally available: [[ ork Back-ups via Rsync and Rsnapshot]] [[
- Docker Deluge Image / Service @docker_notes
- following 3 packages: deluge (deluged with deluge-web), openvpn and nftables. I have used both iptable... Alpine package deluge includes deluged and deluge-web. - Alpine uses busybox for most the Linux built... deluge, with port 8112 passed through, the deluge web interface. *Inside the container shell the delu... e system can be started with the command ''deluge web'' It looks like I need to write an openrc script
- Docker-Compose @docker_notes
- g volumes in Docker Compose]]) Example: Defines web_data volume: <code bash> docker volume create --d... ice="/var/opt/my_website/dist" \ --opt o=bind web_data </code> docker-compose.yml file with a named volume web_data defined externally: <code yaml> version '3' volumes: web_data: external: true services: app: i