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Docker mailserver
6 Hits, Last modified:
tes that this mailbox can store. You can use this value to limit how much space a mailbox can take up. The default value is 0 which means that there is no limit. | This ... <code sql>REPLACE INTO virtual_domains (id,name) VALUES ('1',''); REPLACE INTO virtual_users (id,domain_id,password,email) VALUES ('1', '1', '{BLF-CRYPT}$2y$05$.WedBCNZiwxY1CG3al
Docker nginx / php notes
271 Hits, Last modified:
file ; Note: the default prefix is /var ; Default Value: none ;pid = run/ ; Error log file ... ile. ; Note: the default prefix is /var ; Default Value: log/php82/error.log ;error_log = log/php82/error... handled differently. ; See syslog(3) for possible values (ex daemon equiv LOG_DAEMON) ; Default Value: daemon ;syslog.facility = daemon ; syslog_ident is prepe