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Reverse Proxy Server
3 Hits, Last modified:
en my proxy server issued messages of certificate update failure, as the API DNS challenge stopped working... <code bash [enable_line_numbers="true"]>sudo apt update sudo apt install apache2-utils</code> <code bash ... on files in this sub-directory and to dynamically update changes on the run. The current TechnoTim one [[h
Docker nginx / php notes
7 Hits, Last modified:
as dynamic module overrides and root code snippet updates. The main virtual host configuration files are l... " ; How frequently the upload progress should be updated. ; Given either in percentages (per-file), or in... rogress.freq = "1%" ; The minimum delay between updates, in seconds ; Default Value: 1 ; Development Val... s old. It ; protects from caching of incompletely updated files. In case all file updates ; on your site a
Docker Host
1 Hits, Last modified:
Snaps, requiring registration for latest package updates. Also their base server and desktop distribution