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18 Hits, Last modified:
ows, Mac, and other operating systems.) The first time, rsync sends all the data over the network to your backup machine. The benefit comes the next time you backup. Instead of sending all the files agai... of the command line, you can be backing up in no time with rsync. You can also use [[http://en.wikipedi... a different machine from the one that had it last time). This is a nice defense against Man-In-The-Middl
BASH Customisation
11 Hits, Last modified:
im ~/.bash_aliases'': *''alias ll=%%'ls -lah --time-style=long-iso --color=auto'%%'' *''alias lh=%... le size, largest first * ''-t'' : sort by time * ''%%--time-style%%'' : allows the displayed time sytle to be changed. * The standard output is a disgra
Manjaro Setup Notes
7 Hits, Last modified:
------------ # -------------------- Conky's Run Time Parameters -------------------- update_interval ... a negative value. I just chose to ignore at this time. * To autostart added the following to Setting-... ultiple Pacman instances from running at the same time and interfering with each other.\\ ATTENTION: Onl... ENTION: This command only works, when your system time is set correctly, becasue checking and importing
Commonly used commands and scripts
6 Hits, Last modified:
l, for deluge) ''ps -A | grep open'' *To change time zone from command line: ''sudo dpkg-reconfigure t... at command to run for the task # # To define the time you can provide concrete values for # minute (m),... d based on the cron's system # daemon's notion of time and timezones. # # Output of the crontab jobs (i... will be run when either field matches the current time. For example, "30 4 1,15 * 5" would cause a comm
SSH Notes
6 Hits, Last modified:
l('..', '%012x' % uuid.getnode()))}") # Boot Time print("="*40, "Boot Time", "="*40) boot_time_timestamp = psutil.boot_time() bt = datetime.fromtimestamp(boot_time_timestamp) print(f"Boot Ti
systemd Stuff
6 Hits, Last modified:
stemd timers==== ''timedatectl'' to print current time date on cli\\ ''Date'' to print basic time date only on cli\\ ''timedatectl list-timezones'' to set available time zones\\ ''sudo timedatectl set-timezone australi... /www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.time.html|systemd.timeTime and date specifications]
2 Hits, Last modified:
rs in their own right and are operational all the time, so long as the server has a power source. The se... ns that the machine did not shutdown in the check time period </code> ====Test Script==== <code bash> #!
Back-up Server Old Setup
1 Hits, Last modified:
s Docker. It does not really interest me at this time and I am not using. ++++tl;dr;| After some experi
1 Hits, Last modified:
nually. ''sudo snapraid touch'' to add sub-second time granularity to the files that improves snapraid u
SWAP Files
1 Hits, Last modified:
M, may not be best, however this was written at a time SSD were not common and system RAM availability w
VIM Editor
1 Hits, Last modified:
distributions and available in Windows. Need some time and effort to learn though, particularly if movin
1 Hits, Last modified:
ebmin there is not much point even trying at this time. ++++ ---- <- home_server:home_server_setup:ot