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DHCP / DNS Setup
8 Hits, Last modified:
9" is the DNS software is known as isc_bind9, and systemctl in some Linux refers to the service as bind9.serv... ted up before updating the the DNS service, "sudo systemctl restart bind9". A common technique is to use the ... HCP update. Solution is to: *Stop bind9 (''sudo systemctl stop bind9'') *Delete the problem zone file end... les: (/var/lib/bind/) *Then start bind9 (''sudo systemctl start bind9'') Before performing a manual update
NFTables Configuration
3 Hits, Last modified:
figuration file at /etc/nftables.conf. Use ''sudo systemctl status/start/stop/reload/enable/disable nftables'... ns ''/usr/sbin/nft flush ruleset'' The command ''systemctl show -p FragmentPath nftables'' shows where the systemctl script is located; /lib/systemd/system/
Router Miscellaneous
16 Hits, Last modified:
After modifying a systemd file update systemd: ''systemctl daemon-reload'' The glances output can then be s... disable/start/stop, nprobe and ntopng: * ''sudo systemctl stop ntopng'' | to stop (or start) * ''sudo systemctl disable ntopng'' | to disable (or enable) starting on computer startup * ''sudo systemctl stop nprobe'' | to stop (or start) * ''sudo sys
Debian / Ubuntu Network Setup
13 Hits, Last modified:
was up."\\ To create and edit the service: ''sudo systemctl edit --force --full ipv6_start.service'', ''man systemctl'' and search for ++++ipv6_start.service| <code> [... to enable the command to run at start-up: ''sudo systemctl enable ipv6_start.service''. *This also needs t... ed after each time netplan apply is used: ''sudo systemctl start ipv6_start.service''. =====Router Configura