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- Docker-Compose @docker_notes
- '' *''docker-compose down'' *''docker-compose stop|start|restart'' it is better to use down and up c
- Docker init Systems @docker_notes
- *''s6-rc -d change servicename'' - disable and stop a daemon (down) *''s6-rc-db list all|services|o
- Commonly used commands and scripts @home_server:home_server_setup:other_services
- commands: *Systemd common commands (start / stop / restart / status) (enable / disable for boot co
- Docker @docker_notes
- On my existing home web server this effectively stopped the KVM bridge network from operating, so the ... etwork. Default port seems to be 9001. * First stop the agent container: ''%%docker stop portainer_agent%%'' * Then remove the agent container: ''%%docke... r start CONTAINER''| Start a container| |''docker stop CONTAINER'' | Graceful stop a container| |''docke
- NFTables Configuration @linux_router
- /nftables.conf. Use ''sudo systemctl status/start/stop/reload/enable/disable nftables''. Start and relo... ''/usr/sbin/nft -f /etc/nftables.conf'', whereas stop runs ''/usr/sbin/nft flush ruleset'' The command
- ISP PPPoE Network Setup @linux_router
- ll bind9 isc-dhcp-server pppoeconf'' Disable and stop the DNS [bind9] and DHCP [isc-dhcp-server, isc-dh... udo systemctl disable bind9'' *''sudo systemctl stop bind9'' *''sudo systemctl status bind9'' *''s... ctl disable isc-dhcp-server'' *''sudo systemctl stop isc-dhcp-server'' *''sudo systemctl status isc-
- Calibre @docker_notes
- - 8088:8080 - 8089:8081 restart: unless-stopped networks: - proxy networks: proxy... ports: - 8087:8083 restart: unless-stopped networks: - proxy networks: proxy
- Docker - DNS Server @docker_notes
- g with s6) *''-4'' to run ipv4 only *''rndc stop'' to stop named <fc #ff0000>- need to implement this in S6</fc> *''rndc reload'' to reload the named... ptr-dns-1 restart: 'always' # always | unless-stopped | no | on-failure [:max-retries] volumes:
- Docker - diun & ntfy @docker_notes
- : 3 start_period: 40s restart: unless-stopped</code> ++++ ntfy configuration is stored ''/e
- Docker nginx / php notes @docker_notes
- -s //signal//'', where //signal// maybe: * ''stop'' for fast shutdown * ''quit'' for graceful s... en the 'max_execution_time' ini option ; does not stop script execution for some reason. A value of '0'
- Docker mailserver @docker_notes
- direct it to ====postfix start/stop==== Basic postfix control are: *''postfix start... ' to start postfix in the foreground *''postfix stop'' to stop postfix *''postfix reload'' to reload configuration *''postfix status'' to return current... owing options, "Usage: /etc/init.d/postfix {start|stop|restart|reload|flush|check|abort|force-reload|sta
- Reverse Proxy Server @docker_notes
- tificate update failure, as the API DNS challenge stopped working. I checked the internet and it was in
- BASH Customisation @home_server:home_server_setup:other_services
- commands start with "d" alias dstop='sudo docker stop $(docker ps -a -q)' alias dstopall='sudo docker stop $(sudo docker ps -aq)' alias drm='sudo docker rm $... un2 up -d --force-recreate' alias dcstop2='dcrun2 stop' alias dcrestart2='dcrun2 restart ' alias dcpull2... er/scripts/cloudserver/basic-services.txt)' alias stopbasic='dcstop2 $(cat /home/$BA_USERNAME/docker/scr
- DHCP / DNS Setup @linux_router
- the the router with DNS/DHCP servers my LAN would stop working. Hence the need for back-up DNS. Many of... ing, IP and I have stop using these. IP, Quadnine provides some ... ith the automatic DHCP update. Solution is to: *Stop bind9 (''sudo systemctl stop bind9'') *Delete the problem zone file ending ing .jnl. It can be found
- KPTree - MSWindows Setup @home_server
- ning after loading, then the following day ACADLT stopped working. I tried to get it working to no avail... ows machine this happened often. So I have simply stopped using xplorer2 at work and at home, it is simp... e.g. "C:\Users\doej\Music\iTunes\iTunes Media" -Stop iTunes running -If moving an exiting iTunes dat... ect backup directory is found or until adding one stops iTunes from working. More shoddy Apple software.