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DHCP / DNS Setup
1 Hits, Last modified:
78::3/0 { }; }; </code> ++ * ''sudo systemctl status radvd.service'' * ++/lib/systemd/system/radvd
NFTables Configuration
5 Hits, Last modified:
ip daddr <color red>$http_server</color> ct status dnat counter accept ++ | \\ + <color #202000/#F0F... ip daddr <color red>$mail_server</color> ct status dnat counter accept ++ | \\ + <color #202000/#F0F... FFF0F0>$vpn_ip4</color><color #000060/#F0F0FF> ct status dnat counter accept # required if VPN service is... NS resolves to IP address -ip daddr home_srv ct status dnat accept -ip daddr home_srv tcp dport {http,
Router Miscellaneous
4 Hits, Last modified:
Systemd common commands (start / stop / restart / status) (enable / disable for boot control) *To start ... do systemctl start bind9'' *To check networking status ''sudo systemctl status networking'' *List current Systemd operating units: ''sudo systemctl list-units... ifferent format information than ''sudo systemctl status networking'' *Links to info on the ip and ifcon