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DHCP / DNS Setup
18 Hits, Last modified:
to this I am no looking at backups for both these services on my local area network. Whilst these services worked reliably well, when ever I shutdown the the route... lly. Actually my router that I was running these services was totally lost when upgrading from Debian 11 t... _bind9, and systemctl in some Linux refers to the service as bind9.service. * "named" is the normal name
Basic Netfilter Function Block Diagram
1 Hits, Last modified:
he MTU to 1492 bytes. However, some ISP (internet service providers) may have additional overheads. To dete
Router Configuration & Server Setup
5 Hits, Last modified:
nd to end IP addressing that is required for some services, e.g. VoIP. This requires additional services to compensate, e.g. STUN/TURN services. Key networks services, such as DNS and DHCP are separate functions that a router may perform, although c
NFTables Configuration
19 Hits, Last modified:
be able to be found using ''ip a''.\\ * Where services are on separate server, virtual, container, etc.... #202000/#F0F0E0> This creates a set of type inet_service (port number or range). The flags interval direct... ese values in the rules. We can use port numbers, service names and port ranges.\\ Sets provide a performa... AS|Sets]]. </color>++ \\ <tab9> type inet_service; flags interval;\\ <tab9> elements = {\\
Router VM
4 Hits, Last modified:
ine, CLI (Command Line Interface only). The main services I am currently running on this machine are, all ... dress Translation) * Port forwarding to basic services * Main public HTML sever * Mail serv... * Main LAN (Local Area Network) DNS/DHCP), these services work together * Main local DNS server using ... ation files to run the libvirt daemon as a system service *''libvirt-clients'' - contains the libvirt she
Linux Router Background
4 Hits, Last modified:
*The PPPoE refused to work and my ISP (Internet Service Provider) made it clear they would not help with ... th 100M fibre..... Unfortunately my ISP (Internet Service Provider) messed up the process and had my existi... not be bother setting up an alternative. All the services still work on my LAN except the email server. (... id through this period. Interestingly the mobile services seem to work reasonably well for working from ho
Router Hardware
6 Hits, Last modified:
IPMI LAN Port and has given me a good 5 years of service to date.) Downside is mainly the price, USD490 + ... ate access from public internet The following key services define the router: *network services (bare metal) *ISP Internet connectivity (bare metal) *main fir... icant or otherwise unnecessary resources. *Some services on bare metal to ensure reliable performance *
Router Miscellaneous
27 Hits, Last modified:
Quit (Esc and Ctrl-C also work) ===glances as a service=== Setup a systemd file for glances as a local web service ''sudo vim /lib/systemd/system/glances.service'' <code> [Unit] Description=Glances Documentation=man:glanc... [Service] #ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/glances -w -t 2 ExecSt
Debian / Ubuntu Network Setup
9 Hits, Last modified:
to no avail. So I created the following systemd service to perform this function on start-up after the network was up."\\ To create and edit the service: ''sudo systemctl edit --force --full ipv6_start.service'', ''man systemctl'' and search for ++++ipv6_start.service| <code> [Unit] Description=Remove route to he-ipv