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DHCP / DNS Setup
55 Hits, Last modified:
/doku.php?id=docker_notes:docker-dns#docker_-_dns_server|Docker-DNS Server]]. I am still using ISC_Bind9, but am now using ISC_Kea for DHCP as ISC_Bind is no lon... ur [[|DHCP server dynamically update your DNS records]] on Ubuntu 1
Basic Netfilter Function Block Diagram
1 Hits, Last modified:
rrectly. Chain Traversal Order Assuming that the server knows how to route a packet and that the firewall
Router Configuration & Server Setup
3 Hits, Last modified:
ubuntu snap snaps}} ======Router Configuration & Server Setup====== =====Router Configuration===== <fc #... Setup===== ++++tl;dr;| Download the latest Ubuntu Server amd64 ISO file from the Ubuntu website. I setup t...|Ubuntu Server]] - 20.04LTS for an explanation.) *I just use s
NFTables Configuration
33 Hits, Last modified:
''ip a''.\\ * Where services are on separate server, virtual, container, etc., the ''ip a'' may need ... face]].</color>++\\ <tab3>define <color red>http_server =</color><color blue> #definition of http server IPv4 address</color>\\ <tab3>define <color red>mail_server =</color><color blue> #definition of
Router VM
6 Hits, Last modified:
ch for the connected physical ports. (On my home server I have 4 x 1GB/s Ethernet ports and an add in PCI... vices * Main public HTML sever * Mail server * VPN server (Wireguard) for remote public access. * Rate limiting certain IP address ranges to... these services work together * Main local DNS server using ISC Bind9 * Main local DHCP server usin
IPv6 Setup Notes
7 Hits, Last modified: * -prefix * *https://superus... *https://unix.stackexchange... /help/knowledge-base/how-to-assign-ipv6-on-ubuntu-server/ *
Linux Router Background
3 Hits, Last modified:
he services still work on my LAN except the email server. (The email server does actually operate on my LAN but it pretty pointless without access to external internet!) I was lucky that my server SSL certificates should be valid through this per
Router Hardware
12 Hits, Last modified:
oor power consumption and large size, even an old server tends to use more than 30W at the wall, or greate... power up and heart-beat with auto reset. (My home server is also a Supermicro based unit with dedicated IP... o additional work is required for this. The 18.04 Server loader also had a problem with existing drive par... sing fdisk, from 18.04 install terminal. My home server already in service over 5 years (as of 2017) has
Router Miscellaneous
16 Hits, Last modified:
//|How I made my own VPN server in 15 minutes]] Algo [[|G... ommand line]] ====OpenVPN for Docker==== OpenVPN server in a Docker container complete with an [[https://... nsfer domain 53 {tcp, udp} Domain Name Server (DNS) bootps 67 {tcp, udp} Bootstrap P
Debian / Ubuntu Network Setup
5 Hits, Last modified:
to identify the router. As this router has a DNS server the "nameserver:" stanza can be set to this routers address e.g.: "addresses: []" The use of ... s for network configuration. As the DHCP and DNS server now run in a VM/Docker containers, this simplifie... stemctl disable bind9 #systemctl disable isc-dhcp-server #systemctl disable nftables #systemctl disable pp
ISP PPPoE Network Setup
9 Hits, Last modified:|Setup Ubuntu Server as a router using a PPPoE connection]], [[https:/... PPPoE software: ''sudo apt install bind9 isc-dhcp-server pppoeconf'' Disable and stop the DNS [bind9] and DHCP [isc-dhcp-server, isc-dhcp-server6] software for the moment and configure later. *''sudo systemctl disable bind9'' *''
NFTables IP Control
12 Hits, Last modified:
br0 define router_ip4 = define http_server = define mail_server = define wan_ip4 = # Clean out the cur... hose that have had dnat performed. # The server names can be used where host DNS # resol... state new counter accept ip daddr $http_server ct status dnat counter accept ip daddr $