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Router Configuration & Server Setup @linux_router
1 Hits, Last modified:
v6 - NAT obfuscates Local IP addresses behind public addressable WAN IP address(es). This obfuscation
NFTables Configuration @linux_router
2 Hits, Last modified:|Loopback to forwarded Public IP address from local network - Hairpin NAT]] Th
Domain names, domain nameservers, DNS and DHCP @tech_notes
2 Hits, Last modified:
caching DNS server and also be used for LAN - public resolver - authoritative domain resolver =====Public DNS providers===== - [[|Q
KPTree - MSWindows Setup @home_server
7 Hits, Last modified:
VSBasic code for Colebrook Equation| <code basic>'Public Re As Double 'Reynold number unitless 0<Re<10E9 'Public Rr As Double 'Relative Roughness unitless Public Ff As Double 'Friction Factor unitless Public Fnew As Double Public error As Double Public i As Integer
Reverse Proxy Server @docker_notes
4 Hits, Last modified:
uth===== For any internal service I expose to the public internet that are either not full services with o... tcloud and mail server, but I do not want general public access I would like to add basic password protect... that does not have an iOS client I can then use a public access webpage with password protection to check ... enssl x509 -noout -dates'' *[[
Router VM @linux_router
5 Hits, Last modified:
on (of 4 x 1 GB/s ethernet ports) * Access to public internet modem, via 1 Ethernet port - **the WAN (... * Port forwarding to basic services * Main public HTML sever * Mail server * VPN server (Wireguard) for remote public access. * Rate limiting certain IP address ranges to public interface * Parental control (time limiting a
Docker nginx / php notes @docker_notes
3 Hits, Last modified:
cation Plugin related. File with the MySQL server public RSA ; key. ;mysqlnd.sha256_server_public_key = [OCI8] ; Connection: Enables privileged connections usin... ession.referer_check = ; Set to {nocache,private,public,} to determine HTTP caching aspects ; or leave th
IPv6 Setup Notes @linux_router
1 Hits, Last modified: *http
Nextcloud Container @docker_notes
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gate the potential security issued with this as a public facing server. ++++collabora docker-compose.yml|
Docker Deluge Image / Service @docker_notes
2 Hits, Last modified:
cess from WAN to LAN]]//. - VPN to anonymize my public internet access, making it more difficult for oth... sing [[|PrivateVPN]] as my public VPN provider. They use openVPN for access, with
turn server @docker_notes
4 Hits, Last modified:
is needed to allow end to end communication where public IP communication end points are obfuscated, such ... ive usability of IPv4 which has limited available public addresses by using a designated ranges of local IPv4 addresses that that do not have direct public addressability. The local addresses can only be ... ocal address area is directly accessible from the public network, subject to the router and firewall setup
dokuwiki setup notes @home_server
7 Hits, Last modified:
VM setup===== ====master dns setup==== The master public dns needs to be setup to point to the appropriate... or The ipv4 points to a common public ipv4 address and uses proxies to redirect to correct VMs, so all subdomains have same public address. Each sub-domain can have an individual public ipv6 address if required and proxies are not requ
Project Index @project
1 Hits, Last modified:
ct Index===== I have published these notes on my public wiki website, for my own
ansible @tech_notes
1 Hits, Last modified:'' to copy the public key to the remote machine for same user. *''cd
ssh with key files @tech_notes
5 Hits, Last modified:
re: * home directory ''/homeuser/.ssh'' * public key ''/home/user/.ssh/id_rsa'' * private key ... fault name and location. The defaults are: * public key ''/home/user/.ssh/key-with-password'' * p... d files, you must then replace the old public key with the new one on ALL of the SSH servers that have your old public key. //</fc> Once you have generated the keys, t
Linux Router Background @linux_router
2 Hits, Last modified:
Router Hardware @linux_router
2 Hits, Last modified:
Home Server Notes @home_server:home_server_setup
1 Hits, Last modified:
Webmin @home_server:home_server_setup:other_services
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Rsync @home_server:home_server_setup:other_services
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Router Miscellaneous @linux_router
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