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Router Configuration & Server Setup @linux_router
1 Hits, Last modified:
v6 - NAT obfuscates Local IP addresses behind public addressable WAN IP address(es). This obfuscation
NFTables Configuration @linux_router
2 Hits, Last modified:|Loopback to forwarded Public IP address from local network - Hairpin NAT]] Th
Domain names, domain nameservers, DNS and DHCP @tech_notes
2 Hits, Last modified:
caching DNS server and also be used for LAN - public resolver - authoritative domain resolver =====Public DNS providers===== - [[|Q
KPTree - MSWindows Setup @home_server
7 Hits, Last modified:
VSBasic code for Colebrook Equation| <code basic>'Public Re As Double 'Reynold number unitless 0<Re<10E9 'Public Rr As Double 'Relative Roughness unitless Public Ff As Double 'Friction Factor unitless Public Fnew As Double Public error As Double Public i As Integer