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Network Setup
7 Hits, Last modified:
n MAC auto br0 iface br0 inet dhcp bridge_ports eth0 bridge_fd 9 bridge_hello 2 ... ay dns-nameservers bridge_ports bond0 eth2 eth3 bridge_stp off bridge_fd 9 bridge... s with 2.5Gb/s standard. I original purchased a 5 ports 2.5Gb/s switch, but upgraded to an 8 port version... d to the 2.5Gb/s switch too with 2.5Gb/s Ethernet ports and have 4 x 4 Gb/s ports downstream. Last year
BASH Customisation @home_server:home_server_setup:other_services
1 Hits, Last modified:
w' alias reboot='sudo reboot' # NETWORKING alias portsused='sudo netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN' alias sho
Commonly used commands and scripts @home_server:home_server_setup:other_services
1 Hits, Last modified:
ple, let's say you're interested in finding which ports the apache web server has open on your system. Ma
Rsync @home_server:home_server_setup:other_services
1 Hits, Last modified:
st be open in the Windows Firewall. You can check ports status by attempting connect via ''ssh'' (e.g. ''