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DHCP / DNS Setup
81 Hits, Last modified:
and DHCP servers to Docker, [[ backups for both these services on my local area network. Whilst these services worked reliably well,... nity/tutorials/how-to-configure-bind-as-a-private-network-dns-server-on-debian-9|How To Configure BIND as a Private Network DNS Server on Debian 9]]\\ *[[https://compu
Basic Netfilter Function Block Diagram
34 Hits, Last modified:
{{tag>linux router mtu netfilter }} =====Basic Netfilter Function Block Diagram===== Both NFTables and IPTables use the [[|Netfilter]] framework provided in the Linux kernal. NFtables was implemented to supersede IPTabl
TC - Traffic Control
18 Hits, Last modified:
====TC - Traffic Control====== The Linux kernel's network stack has network traffic control and shaping features. The iproute2 package installs the tc comma... ; receiving data is much more reactive with fewer network-oriented controls. However, since TCP/IP pack... rrent default settings *''sudo sysctl -a | grep net.'' shows all the net. parameters, additional deep
Router Configuration & Server Setup
9 Hits, Last modified:
ing key features: - A gateway between different network areas - Restrict network traffic - Forward Network traffic - Track network traffic, allows traffic incoming only if response to out going (one wa
NFTables Configuration
30 Hits, Last modified:
is allowed to forward packets: * ''sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward'' to check * ''sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1'' to set or =0 turn off * ''sudo sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1'' similar for ipv6 ==... address is, See [[
Router VM
10 Hits, Last modified:
running on this machine are, all bare metal: * Network configuration (of 4 x 1 GB/s ethernet ports) ... modem, via 1 Ethernet port - **the WAN (Wide Area Network) connection** * Early 2024 I was upgrad... s not fully suitable for purpose. * A bridge network setup on the remaining 3 Ethernet ports as a LAN (Local Area Network). The bridge network setup has the following
IPv6 Setup Notes
13 Hits, Last modified:
cumentation/en-us/red_hat_enterprise_linux/7/html/networking_guide/sec-comparison_of_dhcpv6_to_radvd ... ns/1046232/whats-better-radvd-or-dhcpv6-for-local-network-with-ipv6 * *https:/... oopback-to-forwarded-public-ip-address-from-local-network-hairpin-nat * ring-ipv6-for-linux/ Commands: *''sudo vim /etc/netplan/network.yaml'' *''netplan generate (to test
Linux Router Setup Notes - Index
2 Hits, Last modified:
rdware]] *[[linux_router:ubuntu]] *[[linux_router:network]] *[[linux_router:ppp]] *[[linux_router:ipoe]] *[[linux_router:netfilter]] *[[linux_router:nftables]] *[[linux_route
Router Hardware
8 Hits, Last modified:
CP for DHCP * Wireguard for remote access to my network I would consider to try setting up a VM and D... N Port, allowing full remote KVM operation on the network. A downside of the IPMI is that it uses anoth... The following key services define the router: *network services (bare metal) *ISP Internet connect... ble on interface usage, even no graphical. *The network and related services performance must NOT lim
Router Miscellaneous
85 Hits, Last modified:
outer monitor links darkstat glances ntopng iftop nethogs}} ======Router Miscellaneous====== ======Moni... ions.\\ Typical usage: ''sudo iftop -i br0'' ====nethogs==== nethogs - Net top tool grouping bandwidth per process\\ Use ''man nethogs'' to see options.\\ Typical usag
Debian / Ubuntu Network Setup
114 Hits, Last modified:
{{tag>linux Debian Ubuntu router network netplan interface vlan ipv6 ip}} ======Debian / Ubuntu Network Setup====== ====Debian / Ubuntu Network - Interface Setup===== As of Debian 10 (Buster) Debian s