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DHCP / DNS Setup
103 Hits, Last modified:
and DHCP servers to Docker, [[ n ISC Bind9 and ISC DHCP, which are the main internet backbone software used for DNS and DHCP. (2022... n [[|Wayback Machine Internet Archive]], but [[ ve DNS Server on Debian 11]] *[[
Basic Netfilter Function Block Diagram
15 Hits, Last modified:
ow to mangle the packets]] *[[|iptables(8) - Linux man page]] *... us additional overhead to that in a standard Ethernet data field. The maximum length (MTU) of the data field of a standard Ethernet data field is limited 1500 bytes. A standard PPP... ts the MTU to 1492 bytes. However, some ISP (internet service providers) may have additional overheads.
TC - Traffic Control
9 Hits, Last modified:
rrent default settings *''sudo sysctl -a | grep net.'' shows all the net. parameters, additional deeper filters net.core, net.ipv4, net.ipv6, net.mptcp, and net.netfilter. There are a few additionals not shown in deep
NFTables Configuration
29 Hits, Last modified:
is allowed to forward packets: * ''sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward'' to check * ''sudo sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1'' to set or =0 turn off * ''sudo sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1'' similar for ipv6 ==... address is, See [[
Router VM
12 Hits, Last modified:
al: * Network configuration (of 4 x 1 GB/s ethernet ports) * Access to public internet modem, via 1 Ethernet port - **the WAN (Wide Area Network) connection** * Early 2024 I was upgraded to a full fibre internet connection. A connection box / modem converts th
IPv6 Setup Notes
8 Hits, Last modified:
4/how-to-configure-radvd-dhcpd6-routing-and-64-subnet-based-on-delegated-prefix * k-hairpin-nat * * '' *'' netplan apply'' * * ... *''ip route add ::/0 dev he-ipv6'' *''ip -f inet6 addr'' ====NFTables Rules to consider for IPv6=
Linux Router Background
19 Hits, Last modified:
... *The PPPoE refused to work and my ISP (Internet Service Provider) made it clear they would not he... en my family members also wish reliable home internet access. Definitely not a good environment to be t... rade to get fibre in to my house for primary internet access (FTTP). Once the fibre and modem were conn... o my old back DSL modem Router that had WAN eithernet input was limiting performance, 100M ethernet con
Router Hardware
11 Hits, Last modified:
s most homes do not have better than 100Mb/s internet connections, and in general much slower.) The mai... The main unit is still go enough for my home internet which can be provided up to 1000Mb/s, however is ... e) - Connectivity to upstream IPS provided internet - Firewall - DNS - DCHP - VPN for use as ... gateway to allow private access from public internet The following key services define the router: *
Router Miscellaneous
21 Hits, Last modified:
''sudo iftop -i br0'' ====nethogs==== nethogs - Net top tool grouping bandwidth per process\\ Use ''m... ng Tool for Linux]] * [[|How to Insta... ''stable'', e.g. ''docker run -it -p 3000:3000 --net=host ntop/ntopng:stable -i br0'' versus the instr... -v $(pwd)/ntopng.license:/etc/ntopng.license:ro --net=host ntop/ntopng:latest -i br0'' \\ Another thing
Debian / Ubuntu Network Setup
20 Hits, Last modified:
systemd/systemd/blob/master/src/udev/udev-builtin-net_id.c#L20|Systemd Docs]]. I have no problem with t... loopback network interface auto lo iface lo inet loopback # The WAN network interface auto eno1 eno1:0 iface eno1 inet dhcp # dhcp for IP/DHCP WAN (static? for PPPOE)... access modem web page on WAN NIC iface eno1:0 inet static address # Then LAN