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Docker mailserver
41 Hits, Last modified:
org';</code> ====references==== * [[|SQLite Tutorial]] * [[|SQLite Cheat Sheet]] * [[http
Docker init Systems
7 Hits, Last modified:
se image. Some examples: *[[ server|DNS (ISC Bind9)]] *[[ |DHCP server (ISC Kea)]] *[[ ain wiki documenation) *[[
15 Hits, Last modified:
compose docker-compose "docker compose" container network nftables iptables nft}} ======Docker-Compose=...|Docker Engine]] =====Networking===== By default Docker-Compose will create a new network for the given compose file. You can change the behavior by defining custom networks in your compose file. ====Create and assign
Reverse Proxy Server
10 Hits, Last modified:
nce my current specific installation. =====Proxy network to connect them all===== These containers all talk via a docker bridge network named proxy, ''docker network create proxy'' =====Traefik===== <code bash [enable_line_numbers="tr... ortainer-ssl/traefik|here]].\\ ====create docker network==== <code bash [enable_line_numbers="true"]>d