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Reverse Proxy Server
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r/|Cloudflare Settings for Traefik Docker: DDNS, CNAMEs, & Tweaks]] *[[https://www.smarthomebeginner.
Docker nginx / php notes
9 Hits, Last modified:
on/octet-stream; # Name servers used to resolve names of upstream servers into addresses. # It's also ... following syntax: ; directive = value ; Directive names are *case sensitive* - foo=bar is different from ... ; It receives a comma-delimited list of function names. ; disable_func... es. ; It receives a comma-delimited list of class names. ; disable_classe
6 Hits, Last modified:
ker ps --format 'table {{ .ID }}\t{{.Image}}\t{{ .Names }}'%%'' <code>CONTAINER ID IMAGE NAMES</code> *''%%docker ps -s --format 'table {{ .ID }}\t{{.Status}}\t{{.Image}}\t{{ .Names }}'%%'' <code>CONTAINER ID STATUS ... IMAGE NAMES</code> *''%%docker ps -s --format 'table {{ .ID
Nextcloud Container
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the image supplied, 82 for Alpine and ignore the names. * ''%%docker exec -u www-data nextcloud-app-1
Docker - DHCP Server
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online [[|Number Registry]]: <code>bootps 67 {tcp, udp} B