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VNC Server @home_server:home_server_setup
4 Hits, Last modified:
op server "vncserver -kill :1" or :2 *The server log files are stored in ~/.vnc, ''less ~/.vnc/KPTreeServer:1.log'' or :2. (A log files may contain a number of errors and warnings, however this does not necessarily m... unning, performance can be checked by viewing the log file. The running vnc server process(es) can also
DHCP / DNS Setup @linux_router
7 Hits, Last modified:
may still look for IPv6 unnecessarily filling up log files. To prevent perform the following: *''sud... 814400; #21 days max-lease-time 1814400; #21 days log-facility local7; # kptree DNS zones zone kptree.... ="br0" *INTERFACESv6="br0" ====isc-dhcp-server log file comments==== Unfortunately the log / journal for isc-dhcp-server contains the following comment f
Basic Netfilter Function Block Diagram @linux_router
2 Hits, Last modified:
crete, unrelated packets. The connection tracking logic is usually applied very soon after the packet h... table chains and some sanity checks are the only logic that is performed on packets prior to associati
TC - Traffic Control @linux_router
1 Hits, Last modified:
etails, but they do not touch directly on queuing logic. *''sudo sysctl -a | grep qdisc'' shows curr