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DHCP / DNS Setup
13 Hits, Last modified:
=== An interesting older resource is BigDinosaur Blog [[https://blog.bigdinosaur.org/running-bind9-and-isc-dhcp/|Running BIND9 and ISC-DHCP]]. ++Unfortunate... missing only.)++ Another reference is Lani's Weblog - Make your [[https://lani78.com/2012/07/23/make-... (Precise Pangolin). Also dragon.org.uk [[https://blogging.dragon.org.uk/dns-bind9-dhcp-ubuntu-16-04-2/|
Basic Netfilter Function Block Diagram
3 Hits, Last modified:
crete, unrelated packets. The connection tracking logic is usually applied very soon after the packet h... table chains and some sanity checks are the only logic that is performed on packets prior to associati... iptables script]] *[[http://www.epicvoyage.org/blog/geek-stuffiptables-spammers-are-annoying-right|Ge
TC - Traffic Control
4 Hits, Last modified:
etails, but they do not touch directly on queuing logic. *''sudo sysctl -a | grep qdisc'' shows curr... tructure example]] *[[https://www.b1c1l1.com/blog/2020/03/26/linux-home-router-traffic-shaping-with... ng With FQ_CoDel]] *[[https://www.b1c1l1.com/blog/2020/04/19/linux-home-router-download-bufferbloat... artc.org/howto/|HOWTO]] *[[https://netbeez.net/blog/how-to-use-the-linux-traffic-control/|How to Use
Router Configuration & Server Setup
1 Hits, Last modified:
tions.) It seems now Ubuntu also requires you to login to get the latest updates...... No thank-you!
NFTables Configuration
1 Hits, Last modified:
s good, but not for a router [[https://stosb.com/blog/explaining-my-configs-nftables/|Explaining My Con