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Domain names, domain nameservers, DNS and DHCP
4 Hits, Last modified:
n nameservers, DNS and DHCP are a key part of the internet back bone. *DNS (Domain Name System) resolves the text domain names to the relevant IP (Internet Protocol) addresses. *DHCP (Dynamic Host Conf... ls. *domain names are the text used to identify internet resources. The are registered with a domain name... s setting up VPNs where the setup process changes internet access for DNS stop working. The host file manua
IPv6 summary notes
3 Hits, Last modified:
resses==== *GLOBAL - everything (i.e. the whole internet) *UNIQUE LOCAL - everything in our LAN (behind the internet gateway) *LINK LOCAL - (will never be routed, v... |unspecified address| |2000::/3 |GLOBAL unicast (Internet)| |FC00::/7 |Unique-local (LAN), note 1| |FE80::