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VIM Editor
1 Hits, Last modified:
Linux and UNIX distributions, or can otherwise be installed. A key feature I configure is the VIM colour sche
Manjaro Setup Notes
11 Hits, Last modified:
Scanning: * I had a license of Vuescan, so I installed the Linux version of this. Found a flatpak / sna... utput an error in case the package "gnupg" is not installed on your system.\\ ATTENTION: This command will re... ove all keys from your system, including manually installed keys (with "sudo pacman-key --lsign-key <KEY>"). ... l these packages even if no other packages can be installed on your system due to key database errors.\\ ATTE
BASH Customisation
3 Hits, Last modified:
/$BA_USERNAME/docker/.env' # depends on having jq installed, but makes it so much easier. tried it and could not be bothered with it and uninstalled. ====grc==== General colouriser. I installed it but do not bother to use it normally. ble
SSH Notes
2 Hits, Last modified:
sys.argv[1:], reactor) </code> *If twisted not installed, ''pip install twisted'' to install *if cpuinfo not installed, ''pip install py-cpuinfo'' to install ++++ ====
2 Hits, Last modified:
t: ====rsync daemon==== ++++tl;dr;| rsync can be installed as a daemon on a computer instance To install rs... sync, and rsnapshot===== Rsync should already be installed on most Linux system. You can install it, and the
apt package management
1 Hits, Last modified:
5-0ubuntu0.20.04.1) but 1:10.3.23+maria~bionic is installed</code> Basically the apt / dpkg package manger go
Commonly used commands and scripts
5 Hits, Last modified:
age'' to install a package *''%%sudo apt list --installed%%'' to list installed packages, use grep to filter, eg.: ''%%sudo apt list --installed | grep php*%%'' to see all installed php packages. *''sudo apt remove package'' to remove a package, wild
3 Hits, Last modified:
system. It requires openIPMI kernel modules to be installed on the managed system to interact with the IPMI d... ich is to be managed using IPMI. The IPMI card is installed on this machine. IPMI v2.0 supports both local an... . This requires the openIPMI kernel modules to be installed on the managed machine. ====IPMI Links==== Below