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- DHCP / DNS Setup @linux_router
- {{tag>linux router dns dhcp bind ip ipv6 radvd host dig nslookup}} ======DHCP / DNS Setup====== =====Ou... ; that is its source host, and ; and saying is the dom... Dg8v6hYNE/ecnd6Ag==;} allow unknown-clients; use-host-decl-names on; default-lease-time 1814400; #21 d... groups group { # Printer #1 Epson WF7725 host { hardware ethernet 9
- Docker @docker_notes
- stalled via script]] =====Docker and iptables on Host===== Docker applies iptables on the host machine, see [[|Docker and iptables]]. <fc #ff0000>//**A Docker host that is acting or running as a router, e.g. using... ;|This may affect other services operating on the host machine. The default FORWARD chain is set to DRO
- KPTree Torrent VM Setup @home_server
- ed servers all look to now end with the domain ''.host''. * The PrivatVPN tunnel host IP address is different from the end IP address, unlike BTGuard which were the same. The host IP address must be used in the NFTables firewall ... tgoing packet on lan #PrivatVPN Addresses (Host Addresses) oifname $lan ip daddr 27.50.73.
- Docker Deluge Image / Service @docker_notes
- s working. It seems to work much more reliably in host mode ''%%docker run -it --network host --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --name alpine deluge-openvpn-nftables /bin/sh%%'' *The docker host network option also has problems the entire host network is placed on the VPN! Also it stops working wh
- Rsync @home_server:home_server_setup:other_services
- nt's responsibility to verify the identity of the host to which it is connecting. The host identify is established by its SSH host key. Typically, the host key is auto-created during initial SSH installation setup. SSH protocol is de
- Docker mailserver @docker_notes
- d. ====mariadb sql commands==== *''SELECT User, Host FROM mysql.user;'' this shows all the user(s) and their host(s) *''grant select on mailserver.* to 'mailserv... database mailserver to user mailadmin at defined host. *''REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES, grant option from 'm... s from user mailserver'@'172.%. *''SELECT User, Host FROM mysql.user WHERE Host <> 'localhost';'' Filt
- Router Miscellaneous @linux_router
- ftop - display bandwidth usage on an interface by host\\ Use ''man iftop'' to see options.\\ Typical usa... table'', e.g. ''docker run -it -p 3000:3000 --net=host ntop/ntopng:stable -i br0'' versus the instructed... (pwd)/ntopng.license:/etc/ntopng.license:ro --net=host ntop/ntopng:latest -i br0'' \\ Another thing I do... nftables as the router/fire software. ====Docker Host Security==== Docker currently by default use ipt
- Web Server setup @home_server
- e placed in ''/etc/hosts'' to provide basic local host name resolution. I prefer to install a separate D... on" (default off) is required where the original Host header needs to be evaluated by the proxy server.... (default off) must be turned on in https virtual host definition *"SSLProxyEngine On" (default is off... ation files, there is a balance. ====HTTP virtual host on primary server, Virtualhost
- Docker nginx / php notes @docker_notes
- s and root code snippet updates. The main virtual host configuration files are located in sub-directory ... ory. Directives ; following the section heading [] only apply to ; PHP files served... NI files or ; at runtime. Currently, [PATH=] and [HOST=] sections only work under ; CGI/FastCGI. ; https... default-socket mysqli.default_socket = ; Default host for mysqli_connect() (doesn't apply in safe mode)
- Docker - DNS Server @docker_notes
- mpose==== A key point is the docker network is in host mode. (The ports are opened directly on the host and not routed from the docker internal network.) +++... ind9/.config/var/log:/var/log/' network_mode: host command: /bin/sh</code> ++++ =====DNSSEC==... ot be accessible from outside the LAN. *Using ''host'' command: *''host -t A
- Docker Host @docker_notes
- server vnc kvm libvirt selfhosted}} ======Docker Host ====== =====KVM versus Proxmox===== I originally ... accessed via VNC. I often in stall on my main VM host, but not router host. * Add user to libvirt and libvirt-qemu, e.g. ''sudo usermod -a -G libvirt-qemu baumkp'' * If you are ssh'ing into the host machine remember to add the ssh key to allow pass
- Domain names, domain nameservers, DNS and DHCP @tech_notes
- (Internet Protocol) addresses. *DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) allows the automatic assi... e system interrogates in the following order: - host file, this is a basic file on each computer oper... l automatic entries are: -The local machine host name and ip address -The loop back address ... - Additional manual entries can be added for any host name and IP address. (This can be hand on occass
- Nextcloud Container @docker_notes
- rn maintenance mode off or on from the containers host shell =====Nextcloud with supervisord===== The b... tcloud - MYSQL_USER=nextcloud - MYSQL_HOST=db - REDIS_HOST=redis db: image: mariadb:11.3 restart: always command: --transacti... use the terminal login, ''>'' *From terminal on host running docker container use ''%%docker exec -it
- KPTree - Email Server Setup @home_server
- pplications. We can use the web server's "virtual host" feature to differentiate between different subdo... .1.1.1]</code> ++++ ===Change Hostname=== Change host name: ''sudo hostnamectl set-hostname hostname'',... ready setup only to use https, so: *The IMAP host chosen to perform login is ''ssl:%%//%%sub1.examp... MAP secure port) *Similarly, The SMTP server host is and port 25 (not 465). Th
- Reverse Proxy Server - Traefik @docker_notes
- - "traefik.http.routers.container_name.rule=Host(``)" - "traefik.... "traefik.http.routers.container_name-secure.rule=Host(``)" - "traefik....''. This simplifies the need to share host ports! *Traefik: *[[