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Docker mailserver
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nginx + PHP FPM on Alpine Linux]] *[[|johnathane...]] *[[| with the Alpine Linux image option. *[[
Docker init Systems
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sh language sucks. ++++ Reference: *[[| just-containers/s... iable. An alternative mirror is [|]] ---- Other Supervisor software discussions: *[[
4 Hits, Last modified:
/compose-file/|Compose specification]], [[ on of docker-compose can be check here: [[ | git hub docker comp... ry as required. <code bash> sudo curl -L " n/docker-compose </code> *[[|Install Docker Compose]] *I
Reverse Proxy Server
16 Hits, Last modified:
d Certificates and SSL on EVERYTHING]] ([[|github reference_files for traefik-portainer-ssl]]) Be... raefik.yml''. The current TechnoTim one [[
Docker nginx / php notes
2 Hits, Last modified:
lt when unloading after using SASL. ; See for more info. ;exten... w to run Nginx and PHP in Docker]] *[[|TrafeX/docker-php-ngi
3 Hits, Last modified:
s material was originally sourced from: [[ in/bash%%'' ====Troubleshooting==== *[[|netshoot: a Docker + Kubern... nicolaka/netshoot /bin/bash%%'' *[[|Dock
Docker - DNS Server
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test ARG S6_OVERLAY_VERSION= ADD / -Jxpf /tmp/s6-overlay-noarch.tar.xz ADD /|Github internetsystemsconsortium/bind9]] *[[https://s
Nextcloud Container
16 Hits, Last modified:
ainer it has additional instructions to [[ or the nextcloud-fpm.alpine version see [[|github nextcloud docker fpm-apline cron dockerfile examp... placepathregex/|ReplacePathRegex]] *[[|Multiple entry reg
4 Hits, Last modified:
/|]] *[[ #!|Docker hub matrixdotorg/synapse]] *[[|Matrix Docker Install]] *[[|github matrix-org synapse-email-account-validity]] *[[htt
Docker Deluge Image / Service
5 Hits, Last modified:
ockerfile| <code> FROM alpine:latest ADD / -Jxpf /tmp/s6-overlay-noarch.tar.xz ADD : Networking in Compose]] *[[ nvironment on Alpine Linux]] *S6 *[[| just-containers/s
Docker - Index
2 Hits, Last modified:
/*release'' * Latest version of S6-RC [[|github just-containers s6-overlay]] * Ansible / Ansible vault / just / j
turn server
2 Hits, Last modified:
rn|Coturn TURN server Docker image]] *[[|Github coturn]] *[[| coturn]] *[[https://de
Homepage dashboard
6 Hits, Last modified:
[|Heimdall]] *[[|Heimdall Git page]] *h...|homepage]] *[[|gethomepage / homepage]] *[[|Icon dashboard png]] (The [[|png i
Docker - diun & ntfy
2 Hits, Last modified:
scribe/cli/|Subscribe via ntfy CLI]] *[[|Github - binweiderheir/nfty]] *[[|Author's blog]] =====di
Docker - DHCP Server
1 Hits, Last modified:
KEA DHCP with Stork on Debian 11]] *[[| JonasAlfredsson /
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