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KPTree - MSWindows Setup
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new rows or adding new lines to the bottom of an existing list. References: *[[https://answers.microsoft
Linux Block Device Notes @home_server:home_server_setup:other_services
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ote this directory must exist, ideally empty, any existing contents are usually invisible and otherwise igno
dokuwiki setup notes
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ecode|safefnrecode plugin]] | Changes existing page and foldernames for the change in the safe f
KVM Setup @home_server:home_server_setup
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*<name>VM_name</name> be careful not to use an existing VM name, running, paused or stopped. *<uuid>869... mblklist domain-name'' : to locate the file of an existing VM of domain ''domain-name'' or domain ''domain-i
Home Server Notes @home_server:home_server_setup
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ining my home server. This includes upgrading the existing or setting up a new server in the future. There
Commonly used commands and scripts @home_server:home_server_setup:other_services
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output of the thing on the left to the end of the existing file on the right. |ls /home/me > myfilestwice.tx
SWAP Files @home_server:home_server_setup:other_services
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n. *The command ''sudo swapoff -a"''turns of an existing SWAP partition. (''sudo swapon -a'' turns it back